Do I Know You ? - Jim Moriarty Part 2

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I didn't know him, did I ?

Opening the door to 221b furiously, running up the stairs almost falling up them, I slammed open the door to see Sherlock and John talking to my sister, who was sitting in the middle of them.

"Sherlock-John-I need to talk to you-NOW!" I shouted, my voice cracking.

"What is it ?" Elise asks, standing up walking over to me placing her hands on my shoulders. Swatting them away, I took off my coat throwing it onto the sofa letting out a frustrated sigh.

"Who is Jim Moriarty ?" I asked looking at Sherlock, John whipped his head towards me. Sherlock looked at me his eyes dark.

"What did you say ?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"Wh-who is Jim Moriarty ?" I asked once more, my voice was laced with slight fear.

"He-Annette-Is my mortal enemy" He sighed, composing himself. Walking over to his chair, he sits, Elise sits down next to me putting her arm over my shoulders.

"You don't know him ?" She asked, her voice just audible.

"No...should I ?" I said looking at her

"Well Annette you see the thing is..." She trails, looking over to try and get him to help her explain.

"Is ?" I question, raising an eyebrow.

"Is that you and Jim had a relationship and I think it was getting pretty serious, he threatened Sherlock saying that we weren't going to see you again unless he did something for him" She explained, moving her hands from my shoulders to her lap in shame.

Sherlock stands walking over to the door grabbing his coat.

"It's time," He said, putting on his scarf "I love you all and I hope that I'll see you again" He reached the door, pulling off a ring that was on his left hand. Elise stood up, wrapping her hands around him, he placed a small kiss on her forehead, he wiped a tear that's fell down her cheek.

"And Annette..." He said, stepping forward giving me a hug "I hope you find happiness with whom ever it is"

He pulled back, giving Elise another hug as he whispered something to her that I didn't hear, he walked down the steps shutting the door behind him.

That was the last time I saw Sherlock.

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