Fighting With My Emotions - Draco Malfoy

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I sat there silently gazing at him. I felt my heart leap every time he looked in my direction, my breath would shorten every time he said my name. My pulse race, when he would laugh at my jokes and one day...

It all stopped.

"Why are you ignoring me ?!" I shout at him, my hazel eyes brimming with tears, as he silently walked away.

"Why are you not with me anymore at lunch or in the common room !" I say the next day, only to pull out my curly brown hair later that night. He only does the same thing. Over and over again.

He walks away.

Then finally, he talked to me, after 3 months of neglect.

"I can't be with you anymore..." He paused, looking at me dead in the eyes, all emotion drained from his figure "I'm ignoring you to protect you from-"

"From what ?!" My voice ringing out in the empty common room. Everyone in Slytherin had gone home, it was the Easter Holidays.

"From me ! Do you not get that ? I love you and I can't put you at risk of getting hurt! Did you hear that ? I'm ignoring you to keep you safe from me!" Draco shouted, his anger only boiling up with each word he said.

Every word that he said is a dagger in me.

"Stop yelling at me! Hating me, I can deal with but ignoring me. It just hurts me. More than anything you could say or do. But doing nothing to do with me..." I said, each word getting stuck in my throat, only just audible.

I couldn't look at him, not even for a second.

I push past him and march towards the door.

I wipe my eyes, the small pools of tears now drying on my jumper sleeve. I look at the floor the door ajar.

"What happened to us ?" I ask finally, leaving in silence. I marched down the hallways, making random turns and twists to get away from him.

I slumped my back against the wall and brought my knees to my chest cradling myself.

'I'll be fine' I thought balling up my fists 'You don't need him anyway' I pounded my fist against the floor sobbing.

Of course I needed him.

I always needed him.

I love him.

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