Sam Conte - Bewitched

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Him : The party guy. Sam is the funny, cool, confident, all-rounder one of the group who seems to get on with everyone. However, he appears to be very dimwitted, with Felix describing him as an airhead. He has a huge love for food, to the point where he is able to use his obsession to overcome hypnotism.

Her : Iris, a underrated student who only tries her best. She comes off sarcastic and unsociable, but is fairly intelligent. Always sitting in the back of the class, secretly comes from an English coven of witches, has been sent over to Bremin to investigate the magical going's on. Bumps into Sam Conte, hoping to gain extra information from him to get closer to Felix.

"You have to exchange to Bremin High School in Australia immediately" The leader, my mother, insisted.

"Australia ? Why so far away ?" I ask, walking with her past the sliding bookcase down to the potions room.

"There is some trouble down under and they need a witch of your skill to help them my dear" She smiles, pulling close to her.

Observing the cauldron I peer into it, a young boy with raven hair and piercings walks through the school halls with a girl by his side smiling, her lips painted with purple lipstick.

"That is Felix Ferne, fire. he is the one you will be monitoring" She smiles, gesturing towards the mist.

The mist fades to white, then shows three more young boys.

With each boy my mother speaks.

"These are his friends. Jake Riles, earth. Andrew Lau, water and Sam Conte, air" She smiles, the mist fades sinking back into the cauldron.

Nodding in response, I walk up the stairs. Packing my spell book and a few ingredients, just for emergencies. It would take me at least a few hours to pack. Not knowing how long I would be staying, father has a holiday home that I can stay with him in.

"How long will I be going for ?" I ask, knowing that mother was at the door watching me pack. Ruffling through my wardrobes.

"I'm sure you'll only need a few things, after all you have clothes at the holiday home," She quirks, her foot steps quieter with each step "You'll be leaving by six this morning, your father will meet you at the airport" She calls back.

"What!" I exclaim, zipping up my suitcase dragging it down the stairs placing it by the door.

"You heard what I said (Y/n) six AM" She emphasises, walking past me into the kitchen.

Oh god what, have I gotten myself into.


My alarm wakes me, my eyes glance at the clock five in the morning. Great, well better get dressed. Pulling on some shorts and a tank top, knowing that the heat wave would hit me as soon as I stepped off of the plane.

"(Y/N)! You up ?" Mum calls, from the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeah" I respond groggily, pulling on my shoes lacing them up.

Piling my suitcase into the car, placing my hoddie over my head and my headphones in my ears as we drive to Gatwick.

"Now remember what I said, I've given you $100 so don't spend it all in one place, your dad will give you your pocket money as usual good luck" She says finally, she'd waited with me since we arrived. Waiting by the gate until we were ready to board.

"Bye mum, I love you" I say, hugging her taking my suitcase handle.

"I love you too," She responds, smiling "I'll be over in a weeks time to check how your doing see you then!" She says finally, walking away as I board the plane.

Putting my luggage in to overhead carrier, taking my seat by the end of the isle. Plugging in my headphones, knowing that it would be the longest plane ride I'd been on by myself. 24 hours, here we go.

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