She - Creative Writing

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She had a simple life like any other teenager. Slightly popular, good friends, average grades, loving family, healthy relationship. But everything changed on that day. The one day where everything went wrong.

It seemed as if everything that she'd known was gone. All her belongings in her bedroom in boxes and her room filled with cobwebs. She'd gotten out of bed to find that all her furniture was covered in white sheets. 'This must be some mistake' She thought as she furrowed her eyebrows making her way downstairs to see if everything was the same with the rest of the house she occupied with her parents. When she had reached the landing all the pictures from the walls. Gone. All that was left was the square dust outline from where they last hung. All the ornaments and furniture in boxes and covered in white sheets. All of her baby pictures. Gone. Everything she'd known was gone. As if they'd vanished completely.

When she tried to reach for the lip on the box her hand had slipped through it. It has seemed she was deceased. A ghost. 'But how ?' She thought to herself as she run up the stairs to her bedroom to find that the door had vanished. The whole upper floor of her house seemed to be disappearing like everything she thought she knew.

As she raced down the stairs her footsteps thumped with each step as she looked behind to find a dark shadow engulfing her upper floor starting at either end of the landing and chasing her down the steps. Her heart thumped so fast as if it was about to burst. Or what felt like her heart.

She had run as fast as her legs would take her past and out the front door to the front lawn as she feel to her knees grabbing chunks of the now brown, dead grass to look back and find her whole house to become engulfed in the black shadow that only seemed to double in size.

She only gasped for breath which seemed to come to a stop on its own. That's when the rain began.

Each tear the rolled down her cheek a new drop of rain came from the sky. It soon quickly developed into a downpour of tear like rain. And with each gasping breath she took, from her non-beating heart, body shaking thunder roared over her as she ran to the edge of the woods. Her feet stopped instantly. She looked behind her to find that the place she knew was engulfed in black ash and brimstone. She could only do what she thought was right. Walk on. With that she walked into the rain and didn't look back.

That was the last time anyone ever saw her.

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