Our Spot - Derek Hale

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It was Friday afternoon the sun was in the perfect position in the sky creating perfect shades of orange,yellow,pink and purple. I sat there in the classroom looking through the window wanting to be at the perfect spot, the cliff edge that overlooked all of Beacon Hills and at night was even more beautiful as it was like a sea of lights. I had my head on one of my hands as I was looking out the window.

I stopped looking outside as I got distracted, I looked at the clock above the chalk board at the front of the classroom. 5 minutes. I had 5 minutes left of the day then I could go to that perfect spot every afternoon and have lunch in my special spot.


The bell had gone as everyone packed up their stuff and took a summer homework booklet from the teacher as they left, as I was the last one out of the classroom the teacher ran out of booklets and so said

"All the homework is, is to read from pages 1-10 in Romeo and Juliet and explain what happens."

"Yes I will, I always do sir" I said with the last bit of enthusiasm I had to him as I left the teacher quickly said

"oh and don't forget your answer should be at least a piece of A4 have fun" he said with slight sarcasm.

When I walked out I saw a cluster of people walking together in different "clicks" when I saw Stiles,Scott and Edie standing together talking excitedly and quietly amongst themselves, about what ? I had no clue. When Edie jogged over to me as I walked to my car and said

"Hey Amber don't forget to come to the pack meeting on Saturday 3:00pm sharp and Stiles will be there too" I nodded my head in reply with a smile as I got into my car and waved with one hand out of the window as I drove away from school to my summer break.


It was Saturday evening 2:30 I was at home pacing back and forth in my room. Why was I making such a fuss ? It's only a pack meeting. But why do sudden ? Why did Derek tell everyone else but not me? What's happened ? My head was swimming with a thousand questions that I hope will be answered by the time I get there. Before I left I decided to bring a pack of strawberry flavoured gum as it was everyone's favourite as I put a piece in my mouth and chewed it until it was flavourless which was when I arrived at Derek's. I parked my car in the usual spot but couldn't see Stiles' Jeep, Scott's bike or anyone's anything. Did they walk here ? I just shook it off and hoped everyone was at the loft. When I reached the big metal door that opened to the Hale Loft, I knocked on it softly to see if anyone was there.

"Hello ?" I said tapping on the door.

"The door is open" Derek's voice said. As I grabbed the edge with my hand and slid the door to the side. When I opens the door I saw Derek standing with his back turned looking out the window with his hands on his waist and then running his finger through his hair as he turned around. When he turned around a smile spread across his face as he walked towards me opened arms and put them around my shoulders giving me a bear hug picking me up my feet a few centimetres from the floor. When he put me down he was still smiling as he put his hands by his sides.

"Amber I'm so glad you could make it"

"What ? Can I ask you a few questions first ?"

"Sure" he said putting his arms across his chest leaning forward his smile slightly faded now.

"Why am I the only one here ? Why at 3 ? And what is going on ?"

"Okay I'm going be straight and answer your questions"

"Ok good" I said putting my arms across my chest drumming my fingers on my arm.

"Firstly there is no meeting that's why your here, and the other 2 you'll soon find out" using his fingers to say his answer. I put my arms down and turned around waking out before I even stepped forward Derek grabbed my arm and pulled me towards his chest holding me as I heard his heartbeat. I had never thought Derek would act so strange towards me or anyone considering he was such a 'sour-wolf' he would never smile or even hug anyone when we were around him he was just naturally stubborn as it seems, until today.

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