D'You Miss Me ?~ Daryl Dixon

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*Warnings : Mild swearing and mild themes of sexual nature occur*

I felt the leaves crunching softly under my feet as I was stalking my prey. A fully grown stag.

Arching my bow, pulled out a arrow from my quiver, pulling the string back to my cheek. I inhaled and was on the cusp of my bow fly, when an arrow with a green and white end shot into the stag's neck causing it to land with a semi-loud thud into the forest floor, damped with its blood and surrouned by the dead leaves that once hung from the branches above.

Fuck! There goes my food. Now what Dickhead decided to come along and take my kill. Slowly moving, making sure not to call to much attention to myself, bow still loaded and ready to fire.

I felt like Robin Hood.

Peaking through the tightly packed trees to see the back of a muscly man. His back, dirty, toned he wore a leather jacket with wings on the back with the sleeves cut off.

No. It can't be. . .can it ?

Deciding to make my presence known, stepping out of the trees my bow, still, cocked and ready to fire. Watching him sling my stag over his right shoulder.

"Put-down-my-stag-asshole" I spat, looking through the end of my arrow. Slowly he turned around his black hair and stubble dirtied with mud and small clumps of blood, I'd recognise those toned arms and stubbled face anywhere.

"You're stag ?" He asked, his southern accent thick "(Y/n)" He stammered, cocking an eyebrow at me.

"Daryl ?" I asked, his grip tightening on the stag, I lowered my bow in disbelief.

"Yea. . .been a long time" He said quickly, reading his crossbow "Duck" He spoke, shooting an past my head into the undead body of a walker.

"And after all those nights we had together, you want to shoot an arrow in my head" I joked, slowly rising to my feet, after following his intructions.

"If I want to put an arrah* in your head I would've done it 20 minutes ago" He stated, brushing past me over to the walker, pulling out the arrow and back into the metal bow.

"20 minutes ?" I questioned, as he swaggered away stag over his shoulder.

"Int that how long you been follahing^ me for ?" He asked, over his shoulder.

"No, I've been following you for a few days, you've kinda lost it Dare" I smiled walking by his side.

"No I ain't" He scoffed, glancing at me.

"Then prove it" I remarked, leaning against a tree.

"What" He said, furrowing his eyebrows, letting the stag land on the floor with a thud.

"I know it's been awhile but, I'm up for it if you are" I smirked, knowing that he was catching onto what I was saying.

"Up for what 'xactly ?" He quirked, putting a hand over my head on the tree trunk.

Looking into his dark brown eyes, he gazed back into mine.

His breath, warm against my face as he leaned in hesitant to press his lips onto mine. Snaking my hands onto his biceps, pulling him in to softly press his lips against my own, his hands gripped onto my waist pulling my body closer to his. His lips were slightly chapped, what else would you expect we're in the middle of a fucking apocolypse but, the kiss was full of passion and longing.

"So after 3 months of being apart," I sighed, wrapping my arms around his neck "D'you miss me ?" I asked, feeling him scoff placing his lips onto mine once more in a soft peck, pulling back and picking up the stag.

The rest of his group couldn't be far behind now, surely they'd allow me to have refuge.

Right ?



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