The Waiting Game - Derek Hale

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I had to wait. No matter how long it took, I had to wait.

No matter how many nights I cried myself to sleep. No matter how many cups of, coffee, empty, I left at the table. The waiting game was what I had now played. The moment that I would finally mean I was in the arms I loved.

Even though, I knew they had never given me a second glance.

At last, I was hoping he would.

Just one look from him would be enough, even for him to say name, even if it was hateful or full of spite. I wouldn't mind. At least it was something.

I'd been at home for at least a week now. Only going in and out for the essentials, weekly shops and such. Ignoring or rather trying to avoid people I knew : Scott, Malia, Peter, Lydia.

Malia was very persistent, with trying to see me. She was worried, as much as the others, about me. She climbed into my window and slept in my bed with me. Waking me with a breakfast shoved in my face, the next morning almost scaring me to death. It was nice though.

Nice enough, it got me to think about what I was doing. It was unfair. So I'd started to let them back into my life.

They were really helpful to getting me back to, myself before I shut everyone out.

Then they stopped coming. I had no idea why : Until they told me.

The final battle.

A week later there came a knock at my door.

I opened it to find, hopefully, Malia or Lydia. I'd become close to them over the past few weeks.

It wasn't them.

It was him.

After being on the run for so long he'd finally turned up. At my door.

Derek Hale.

"Alex," He breathed with relief, in his usual sultry tone "I've come to see you"

If only that was what he said other than barging in and sitting on the sofa 'Sit here' he said patting a spot next to him.

What an odd way for him to behave.

"I haven't been completely honest with you" Derek said, his tone serious.

"I know," I said looking at him "I know everything" I looked at him giving his body a quick skim, with my eyes.

Eyes, locked. Bodies, inches apart. I couldn't be happier. And he said my name, sincerly.

"How ?" He asked shifting closer to me to examine my face. What was he looking for ?

Fear ? Rage ? Confusion ?

"...Scott told me, and Malia, and Peter, and Lydia. They all told me together," I said to him, feeling my heart race with every second that passed by. "I also found out what Scott was, I was terrified, at first but I'm not anymore, of anything or anyone" I gave him a smile for reassuring smile, he seemed less tense than before.

"That's...good to hear," Derek said taking in the information I had just said to him "But that's not what I wanted to talk to you about"

"I do," I replied "Peter...told me about everything about every past lover and how I should quit while I'm ahead" I said with a small chuckle. I didn't say much after that.

Neither did he.

"I think...that's good advice and I agree," Derek said shuffling forward once more "I'm toxic, I would stop...before...we..." He said slowly, examining me, as if seeing, me, for the first time.

I couldn't help it. I couldn't do this to him. As much as I wanted it.

I flung my arms around his neck, burying my face into the crook of his neck.

I couldn't put him through loosing another. Even if I told him.

I walked him to the door.

"It was lovely seeing you, Derek" I said breathless.

"It was great seeing you too," He pauses locking eyes with me "Alex"

I paused, deciding not to speak but lean in to kiss his cheek.

He turned his head, his lips landing on mine.

I felt my world spin and stop.

Then it started again.

I pulled away from his body, just past the threshold of my door.

I gave him a gleeful smile and closed the door with a light snap.

I sank against my door, letting out a sigh.

I couldn't tell him. As much as I wanted to.

He could probably sense it.

I finally did it. I kissed him

One time. Before I left.

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