Quick Encounter - Cedric Diggory

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*(y/h/h) - Your Hogwarts House.

I saw him. I froze. We locked eyes as I saw his piercing green eyes staring at me. It was Cedric. The Cedric Diggory staring at me. Me a nerdy *(Y/h/h) who only had 3 close friends. (F/n),(F/n) and (F/n) who had been their for me since day one. Even though I was always stereotyped as a typical (Y/h/h).

He gave me his usual flirtatious smile as he continued to walk towards me, it seemed like the hall stretched on for miles until his voice, his deep, husky voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"Hey" He said cooly as he gave me a toothy smile.

"Hi...Cedric" I said as I started to blush I could feel the warmth rising in my cheeks. I just wanted this to be over, not that I didn't enjoy his company, it's just he's way too hot for me to handle.

"I know you may think I'm playing a joke but..." He said looking over his shoulder as he lowered his voice ever so slightly "I was wondering if you wanted to go the the Three Broomsticks with me next Hogsmead visit" He said with a hint of shyness in his tone which I found completely adorable.

"Uh...yeah sure" I said looking up at him as a grim crept across his face "So kinda like a-date ?" I said with a little confidence as his eyes widened slightly and the smile grew bigger.

"Not like a date, it is a date" He said as he leaned his head forwards giving me a small peck on the cheek before walking away slowly putting his hands in his pockets.

"I'll see you then...I look forward to it (Y/n)!" He said over his shoulder as he waved me goodbye. I stood in silence watching him walked away and around a corner as I touched the skin on my cheek where he had kissed. Well looks like today is going to be amazing and it's not even 10 am !

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