For The Fallen Ones : Lucifer (Tom Ellis)

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Early morning, my eyes scanning the tall skyscraper that was Lux.

Gingerly I reached the handle, letting out a sigh to calm my nerves pushing the turning door to let myself in.

Walking over to the loft I press the penthouse button, placing my hands in my pockets while I wait.

The door to opened with a optimistic chime, the doors opened and it was him.

Lucifer Morningstar.

"Ah," He smiled wickedly "I was just about to come find you" He placed a hand on my wrist, pulling me into the lift letting the doors close behind us.

"I..uh..." I stammer, my hands pressed into his chest as I moved to stand next to him "I'm here about the-"

"I know what you're here for" He signed gruffly.

"Right" I assured, the lift doors opened, he gestured for me to walk through, he followed in pursuit.

"The piano is there begin when ready" He gestured, sitting by the bar pouring himself a drink. Giving me a sly wink, sitting on the stool in front of the piano, lifting up the cover and looking at the black and white ivories. My fingers skim over the keys, exploring the cool sensation against my skin.

My hands rest on them for a minute, ready to play.

My hands at the first chords for This Is Gospel by P!ATD

My voice accompanied by the melodic tune of the black and white keys.

This is Gospel for the fallen ones locked away in permanent slumber assembling their philosophies from pieces of broken memories

Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart
Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart

The gnashing teeth and criminal tongues conspire against the odds but they haven't seen the best of us yet

If you love me let me go

If you love me let me go

'Cause these words are knives that often leave scars the fear of falling apart and truth be told, I never was yours the fear,the fear of falling apart

Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart

Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart

This is gospel for the vagabonds ne'er-do-wells, insufferable bastards confessing their apostasies led away by imperfect impostors

Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart

Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart

Don't try to sleep through the end of the world, bury me alive 'cause I won't give up without a fight

If you love me let me go

If you love me let me go

'Cause these words are knives that often leave scars The fear of falling apart And truth be told, I never was yours

The fear, the fear of falling apart

Oh, the fear of falling apart

Oh, the fear, the fear of falling apart

Oh this is the beat of my heart.

The fear of falling apart

Oh This is the beat of my heart

The fear of falling apart

Oh This is the beat of my heart

The fear of falling apart

Oh this is the beat of my heart

The fear of falling apart

"Very nice," Lucifer applauds, his voice behind me "Personally I can relate you wouldn't believe" He quirks, our eyes meeting once again.

"Oh I know" I sigh, his eyebrows furrowing at my response.

"What ever do you mean ?" He asks.

Standing our faces inches apart, a sly grin creeping onto his face. Smiling I press my hand on his chest, pushing him back into his leather chair.

"Well normally it doesn't happen this quickly but I'm definitely not complaining love" He smiles, finishing his drink and putting it onto the table next to him.

I chuckle in response, lifting my shirt.

"Well now I'm interested..." He trails, his eyes scanning over my body. Turning I show him the identical scars that cover my shoulder blades "How ? Why would Dad harm such a beautiful creature," He held my face rubbing my cheek with his thumb. My arms crossed over my chest, to try and hide my partial nudity.

Moving my head from his grasp, I let my short fall back over my body. Quickly wiping away the tear that fell down my cheek, before he could notice.

"So you're my sister ?" He questioned, disappointment laced in his voice.

"Oh no far from actually," I smile, walking over to bar as he followed "I was made from your rib ironic as it sounds, you're the Adam to my Eve but..." I paused, questioning wether I should tell him the rest "...I fell just like you" I finished, pouring myself a drink trying not to look into his eyes.

"Well..." He smugly responded "Let's populate the Earth" Leaning over the table to try and kiss me his eyes closed, I placeda finger to his lips.

"Sorry lover boy but I've got a business of my own to run" I sighed, vaulting over the bar, grabbing my jacket walking over to lift.

"Please let me escort you out at least," He whimpered slightly I smiled in reply "What accent is that ?" He asks, pushing the call button.

"English, London except mine is real Luci" I teased, he chuckled lightly.

The lift opened, I stepped in and turned around. Lucifer lent against the lift door frame, biting his lower lip as if he was trying to seduce me.

Oh honey, that doesn't work on me.

His eyes skimmed over my body, the doors were about to shut and I had to do or say on final thing in order to get the upper hand.

"Don't forget me babe" I winked, letting my eyes flash the natural red. The doors closing at the perfect time.

Lucifer's POV

"Don't forget me babe" She smirked, her eyes flashed red, I smiled in surprise the elevator doors closed. Chills rolling down my spine I rubbed the back of my neck, pouring myself a drink to calm my libido. 

"What a woman" I chuckled to myself.

"Have fun ?" Maize's voice called out, in her usual ice cold tone.

"Yes Maize, it was quite thrilling" I replied nonchalantly, glancing over at the piano.

"You didn't even get her name..." Maize quirked walking over the lift waiting for it to open "And you call yourself a gentleman" She scoffed.

"Well...fuck" I spluttered, a few droplets of whiskey wetting my bottom lip. She crossed her arms with a smirk, I rushed into the elevator to try and catch up with the nameless woman.

Thank you Maize.

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