The Purge : Jim Moriarty Version (Part 2)

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"Then it's settled" He said placing a soft but passionate kiss on my lips "We'll take the jumbo jet after all this is going to be memorable" He said as we walked into the kitchen and started eating some pancakes and talking about what we're going to bring.


I had leant my head back against the jumbo jet seat as Jim was typing away on his laptop.

"En suite ?" He asked as I opened one eye lifting my eyebrow.

"Sorry honey ?" I asked confused

"Would you like an en suite in the hotel room ?" He asked lacing his hands together and resting his head on his chin.

"Yes!" I said excitedly as I looked out the window stretching in my chair feeling my spine click satisfyingly.

"You excited dear ?" He asked as he continued to type as I unfastened my seatbelt waking towards the back of the jet and behind the bar as Jim closed the lid of his laptop and joined me.

"Of course it's our first-well my first your second Purge," I said pouring two glasses of strawberry champagne. Jim's and a personal favourite of mine.

Jim took his glass as I did as well

"To our first Purge as a couple" He said raising his glass as I did as well

"To our first purge" I said with a smirk as we tapped glasses and took a sip of the bubbly liquid inside. The strawberry and bubbling sensation hitting my tongue and travelling down my throat.

Jim walked around the bar placing his glass down as I did the same.

"How about some music ?" He said slipping a controller out of his pocket and pressing a button as slow jazz softly played in the background.  He took my hand as we slow danced in the isle.

"Jim ?" I piped up my head resting on his shoulder

"Yes ?" He answered soothingly his hand gliding smoothly down my spine to the nape of my back "Are you scared of what you'll do ?" He asked as I lifted my head to him as I saw the madness in his eyes burn.

"No...Im not sure what to use" I said as he chuckled pulling my close

"I love the way you're devilish mind works" He said he voice calm and steady.

'Please fasten your seatbelt and prepare for landing'

Jim cupped my face in his hands placing a soft kiss on my forehead as we walked back to our seats.

"Here we go!" He said in a child like manner as he fastened his seat belt as I did the same.


We walked into the lobby rolling our suitcases behind us. My heels lightly clicking against the marble floors.

We were happily greeted by the receptionist "Mr Moriarty you're room is read here's your key. Enjoy your stay" She said flashing a white smile as I did the same.

I studied her face quickly even though she had a smile I could see the fear swirling behind her eyes.

We walked to the lift. Jim pushed the button as the door opened with a ding.

I rolled my suit case over to the corner of the lift. I lifted up the bottom of my dress at an angle showing my left thigh.

"Not not baby wait until we get to the room first" Jim said still standing in a proper fashion watching me from the corner of his eye.

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