Eugene Lee Yang Imagine

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I had started working at Buzzfeed. I had moved from England to America to get a clean slate and try to find someone to share my life with. Cheesy I know.

I was working with The Try Guys and Ladylike, was beyond anything I could've imagines. I'm not going to lie I had, had a crush on Eugene but soon dropped it after I realised he probably wouldn't start a conversation with me let alone a relationship.


Skip forward a year and I'm sitting at my desk editing a Ladylike video when Chantel starts walking up the aisle towards my desk.

"Hey (Y/n)" Chantel said happily her hair flowing flawlessly as always.

"Hey Chantel you're looking fabulous as ever" I said as I looked up as she had a smile on her face

"Could you come to the studio we're doing a Try Guy shoot and I think they need there assistant director" She said in a playful tone as I saved my work and got up from my desk.

I walked into the room as everyone was setting up and the guys where standing around and chatting as I saw Eugene as I felt my heart pang at the crush I had lost over the passing year.

"Hey guys!" I said as they instantly stopped talking and smiled at me politely.

"Hey (Y/n)" Zach said coming up to me and giving me a hug. I always found Zach adorable.

"Hey Zach I like your shirt ,very smart" I said pulling back.

"Thanks" Zach said with a slight squeak in his voice as I looked over his shoulder slightly to see Eugene slightly furrow his eyebrows. I just shrugged it off.

"Ready to get your mic on ?" I said with a smile.

"Yep as always" He said as I fed the wire through the front of his shirt.

"Woah!" Zach said with a chuckle I looked up at him confused "Your...uh fingers are a bit cold" He said with a smile.

He put the mic around his neck as Keith walked up ready to get his mic on.

"What'cha doing Zach ?" Keith said with a laugh.

"Just got my mic on," Zach said in his usual bubbly tone "Be careful her fingers are cold" He said playfully and walked over to talk to Ned.

"Ready ?" I asked as he gave me a big Keith goofy grin.

I had finished putting on Zach, Keith and Ned's mic. As usual I left out Eugene normally puts on his own mic.

"Ready to start guys ?" I asked as Eugene walked up to me

"No quite I couldn't get my mic on today I kept fumbling with the wire" He said scratching the back of neck.

"Uh..." I said almost dazed that Eugene wanted help and out of everyone me ? I shrugged it off "Sure. I'm sure I can help" Eugene stood awkwardly as he lifted the hem of his shirt just below his stomach.

I cautiously put my hands against his skin as I saw light goosebumps prickle on his skin. My hand touched his as I felt my lost desire spark again and fizzle out when we disconnected from each other's fingertips.

"Thanks (Y/n)" Eugene said nonchalantly with a slight hint of possible politeness.

We soon began shooting.


"That's a wrap!" I shouted as everyone applauded. I walked over to the mic table and waited for the guys give in their mic's.

Ned first. Then Keith. Then Zach.

"Thanks" I said as I received his mic.

"No problem" He responded kindly "I'll see you later I'll be there at about 7 ? Yeah ?" He asked as he stood as I could see Eugene slightly confused.

"Sure that's fine" I said as he gave me a hug. Zach standing and I sitting it was a slightly awkward hug but an okay one. Considering the circumstances.

"Bye!" He said as walked out of the studio.

Eugene and I the only ones left.

"Hey Eugene you did great today" I said as he handed me his mic. "Sure you don't need help taking it off ?" I said with a slight smirk followed by a slight laugh.

"I guess not" He joked back. I coiled the wire around the battery pack of the microphone and picked up the rest,walking over to the mic cupboard.

I reached for the handle pulling open the cupboard door placing the mics in carefully one by one as Eugene started to talk.

"So are you and Zach and thing now or ?" Eugene said nonchalantly

"Me and Zach?" I said putting back all the mics and closing the cupboard door locking it as I did so "Nah we're just good mates is all" I said as he had a blank expression. His eyes boring into mine.

"Cool" He said as I walked over to the door.

"Guess we better leave before your dad starts lecturing you" I said with a small laugh holding the the door open for him.

"It's doesn't matter he always lectures me" He relied in a playful tone walking through the door as I closed and locked it behind him.

"I'll see you tomorrow Eugene" I said walking back to my desk as he walked towards the door.

I was about to sit at my desk with Zach in front of me.

"Wait!" Eugene said slightly loud 

As he looked around the room to find my desk "I almost forgot to give you this" He said handing me a slip of paper

"What is it ?" I asked taking it from him our fingers touching for only a slips second.

"It's my number," He said flatly as I unfolded it seeing his handwriting with his number in the middle of the paper lI'll see you tomorrow (Y/n) and by the way..." He so turning around as he walked to the exit "Your a great assistant director"

I felt the extinguished spark for Eugene light again for a spilt second.

"Thanks" I said so that he could hear me as he strides confidently out of the building.

I looked up at Zach who had a shocked on his face with both hands on his face.

"Shut up" I replied sarcastically as I shook my head at him letting out a small chuckle as I began to edit today's video.

A/N If you like this comment and star it if you want another part 😋

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