Russell Howard - Christmas Special

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It was the first time that I'd been on Russell Howard's Good News and this was payback. Back at the flat Russell is always playing pranks on me, jumping out at random or bluffing about things that I know are true making me question myself. This would be the ultimate payback and he wouldn't have a single clue of how to get me back. 

It was the Christmas special, so I decided to dress the part. Shopping online for christmas lingerie, so that I could be his present. This was going to be the best revenge scheme ever. 

"Let's bring out my mystery guest," He calls, they close the door trying to stay as still as possible, feeling the wheels move beneath me. The crowd start clapping and whooping as I'm wheeled out "What is it ?" He asks, slightly scared letting out a nervous laugh.  

That was my cue, jumping up causing the lid to fly off and the box sides to fall down elegantly revealing myself. Russell jumps infront of me covering me with his body. The crowd letting out whoops, hollers and wolf whistles. Russell looks back over his shoulder giving a joking look of death letting out a laugh, I kiss his cheek. 

"NO, avert your eyes !" Russell shouts to the audience. They laugh, in response. 

"Hey everyone!" I announce, blowing a kiss earning an eruption of wolf whistles.

Walking down off the small wooden square, making my way over to the chair made of newspaper stacks, and sitting down. Russell's eyes, trying not to focus on any other part of my body other than my eyes. 

"So where you in the news ?" He asks, his face a light hue of red.

"Nope" I reply, smiling.

"Okay, um where you in the media ?" He asks, his eyes snapping back and forth from my body to my eyes. 

"Nope" I reply once again, the same smile on my face.

"Okay, I give up what are you here for ?" He asks, his posture tense.

"Payback from all the times you've scared me" I respond, sitting back crossing my legs pleased with myself. 

"What ?" He questions, the audience laugh in response. 

"You heard me, payback honestly did you think I'd let you get away with it" I respond, the audience laugh again. 

"Damn," He mutters under his breath, that'll make him think twice "Well let's give it up for my mystery guest" He says, clapping his hands. Under the sound of the audience, I whisper. 

"This is only the beginning funny man, I've got a few suprises for you when we get home" I speak, clapping along as I get up from my chair, swaying my hips as I walk away. 

Russell comes back stage, grabbing a bottle of water and downing it with the most force he could muster. 

"What the hell (Y/n) ?" He gasps, catching his breath.

"Like I told you," I smile "Payback" Smiling to myself as he walks away, knowing well enough that I would suprise him next week, when he records Mock The Week. Oh the suprise I have in store, he's gonna wish that he never tried to jump scare (Y/n) (L/n).

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