Not Again - Jack Wilder Imagine

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I'd always had a hobby for magic tricks. I'd always liked slight of hand and card tricks. I'd had a best friend. Jack Wilder. The Jack Wilder from the Four Horsemen.

I'd given up magic after he'd gone from street magic with me to solo. He'd packed up and left without notice. Or a note. I hadn't seen him since my teenage years and I didn't want to.


It had been weeks since I first started following Jack. Since their final show and the second heist that they'd pulled off and with being at the show at New Years, witnessing the kiss between him and Lula which instantly changed my feelings on him obviously.

Cliché. Is one words for the way that I felt. We'd started magic together, I taught him how to flick cards and use flash paper. Dating him for almost 2 years then he just packed up and left.

Only hoping to try and find him to restore the relationship that we had, finding that he'd moved on and found someone better in front of my eyes.


A Tarot Card : 'The Empress'

Following the instructions on the back of the card.

Old Warehouse

Sitting in my car, my eyes locked with my phone until the time was right. Barely a few feet away from the warehouse. It was time. Stepping out of the car, instantly hit with a soft breeze of cold mixed with salt. Hastily making my way over, my eyes landed on a figure that was a few metres from the warehouse.

The hooded figure turned around.

Jack Wilder.

"No. Just no I'm done, I'm so done," I spoke, turning around putting my hands up in defeat. Jack hastily walked in front of me, stopping me from going anywhere "Nice moves love, now can you move out of my way ?" I asked, crossing my arm over my chest.

"No the reason why you're hear is because The Eye called you here I wouldn't be here otherwise," Jack replied, I raised an eyebrow at him "Just follow me" He said, turning at walking towards the warehouse.

"No" I scoffed, looking at him stop.

"What ?" He asked, turning on the spot.

"I said no" I patronised, leaning back on the bonnet of my car.

"Please I want you to get in as much as you do and if you want to know..." He said quietly "I still care about you"

"How funny. You think I care ?" I asked, it still hurt "You think I didn't see your little stunt with Lula on New Years ?" I questioned, shock flashing across his face "Oh yeah I was there. And I saw everything you think that after what ? 3 years I'd just come running back ? You're dead wrong" I finished, the fresh sting of tears welling in my eyes.

"Y/n I-" He started.

"What ? Want to kiss and make up ? I don't think so" I said, feeling a tear roll down my cheek wiping it away quickly.

"Look I'm sorry I left I had you couldn't tell you or you'd be-" He said again.

"What ? A massive complication in your perfect little celebrity life ? Is that it ?" I questioned further, each step heavier than the last approaching him. The anger boiling inside me, rising with each minute that passed.

"No I had to. The Eye told me to" Jack stated, I was taken back my eyebrows furrowed.

"What ?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"The Eye told me to to come and get you, just like he sent you that Tarot Card. I think it's a test to see if you can get over me. Like I couldn't..." He sighed, his eyes landing on a spot on the floor.

I couldn't lie. Missing him couldn't begin to describe how much I yearned for him, but what he did was wrong.

"I am really sorry for what I did and it was a huge dick move to do and I promise I won't do it again" Jack said, looking at me with his dark brown eyes that got me every time.

"I don't know if I should kiss you or slap you," I sighed, out of the blue. Instant regret washing over me, he approached me biting his lip, going in for a kiss. I put my hand up, my index finger on his lips, stopping him "Are you seriously horny right now ?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

"What ? Is it so wrong ?" He asked, slyly pulling me into him.

"Uh...yes," I answered instantly, removing myself from his grasp "Now can you please tell me why the hell The Eye wants me ?" I asked finally getting to the point, pushing my feelings to the side.

"Well-" He started, another figure came out of the building

"We need a fourth Horseman" He interjected, furrowing my eyebrows and walking towards the other man, Daniel Atlas.

He wasn't so bad looking either.

"Hey," I flirted, earning a small eyebrow raise from Daniel "Why would you need a fourth when you have Lula ?" I asked, looking back over my shoulder at Jack.

"Well you see..." Jack trailed, coming up beside me. My eyes following him.

"Oh Jack didn't tell you ?" Daniel asked, cockiness to his tone.

"Tell me what ?" I asked confused,

"Uh..." He started, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Lula broke it off between them and got a new job as a Las Vegas magician" Daniel said matter of factly, I looked back at Jack with my eyebrows raised.

"No," I said, a slight smile dancing on my lip "I guess he forgot to mention that" I smiled, Daniel gestured for me to walk inside.

Jack POV

"No," Y/n said with a small smile "I guess he forgot to mention that" She finished, Daniel gestures for her to walk inside. Dick.

I went to walk past him as he grabbed my shoulder.

"Better luck next time bud" He said in his usual cocky way, I felt like punching him as usual. As he walked in after Y/n into the warehouse as I followed behind.

Why do I always have to be a dick and mess up ?

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