When white meets grey - BEASTARS {3}

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I look over her schedule and see that we have 3 classes together.

Seems like I'm going to be seeing her a lot.

Which isn't a bad thing at all.

Come one Legoshi, you've only met her today and you're already making the same mistake with Haru.

We make our way into the lunch hall and grab our trays, Kyouko walks in front of me. I watch as her white tail sways back and forth.

Eyes up Legoshi! Don't be such a perv.

We sit and begin to eat, I pass her schedule to her and she puts it back into her pocket.

"Seems like we have a few of the same classes" I say, taking a sip of my drink.

"That's good at least I'll have someone to sit next to" She smiles, her mouth not opening. I guess she's already taken my advice about her fangs.

I look over to a table of full Male wolves panting over the food as they look at her.

"They're only looking because I'm in season, by next week they'll want nothing to do with me" She states taking a sip of her drink.

Doesn't she know what she looks like?

Big soft brown eyes, pure white fur and her scent...is so sweet.

What if going on with me? Please not again.

"I'm not so sure about that" I mumble, we get up from our seats and walk over to the bin and outside Kyouko beside me.

"Why d'you say that?" She asks, her eyes landing on the water fountain as we walks past the Drama Club building.

How do I even tell her? Hey Kyouko, every guy in school wants to bang you include me.

Including me?

Oh god what's gotten into me?

My thoughts cause my feet to stop, Kyouko stops in front looking back over her shoulder at me. She stops and sniffs the air, her eyes close as she moves towards me sniffing at my collar and around me ears. I can feel a warm knot form in my stomach, I can't move.

I don't want to move.

She stops and opens her eyes looking at me.

"It seems like you're in season too, I wondered what I could smell on you" She says, her head tilting to the side.

I'm what?

In season. Biology. Um...I think I remember something about that. We release, pheromones that attract the opposite sex and our bodies experience physical changes as well.

So that's what I've been feeling. Who knew it would be when Kyouko shows up?

How can she use her senses like that?

"How can you do that?" I say, she turns and continues walking, I catch up and drop in pace with her.

"Well homeschooling taught me a lot, my parents taught me how to properly use my senses, sight, smell, hearing, even touch" She quirks, I don't know what to say.

Kyouko is...amazing.

"It's Biology next right?" She hums, she looks behind her and sharply snaps her head back.

I furrow my eyebrows and quickly glance over my shoulder to find that various canine students have been following us since we left the cafeteria.

Good god not this as well.

Mobs really?

"Yeah" I sigh, at least not all of the canines where gonna be there but the wolves are.

"Can we not get some real moonlight? Instead of a lightbulb with a fancy cover?" That's it.

"We could do a nature walk, as long as you inform on of the staff I'm sure it should be alright" I note, she looks up at me, a flash of curiosity in her eyes.

"That sounds great!" I'm glad she liked the idea, I guess I might not be making such a bad impression after all.

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