Really Nice To Meet You

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With her curls in a bun and her yellow dress on, Samiyah enjoyed the summer weather outside reading The Alchemist for the seventh time that year. She'd started at school when a teacher requested for her to read it. Now, she couldn't stop. She was in love with the character, the Alchemist, for his wisdom.She wanted to travel like Santiago had and find something, anything, but she knew that she wouldn't.

She was enjoying the peace outside, but a Mazda pulled up across the street at Ms. Robinson's house. Two men came out of the car and Ms. Robinson came running and screaming out of her house. Her arms were out waiting for a hug. She hugged the shorter one who was driving, first. She didn't hug him too long though. She ran over to the other guy and grabbed his face. She was so short and he was so tall she had to pull his face down. She smiled at him and kissed him all over his face.

Samiyah stopped reading to watch this scene play out from where she was sitting. But, she thought she might look nosey and stopped watching. She definitely didn't need any awkward stares. Ms. Robinson took her guest inside.

Ty sat on the worn green couch looking around Auntie Sandra's house. The place he would call home for the Summer. There were so many pictures of family he didn't know. Then he sees the picture of the familiar, beautiful woman. He walks to it and looks closely.

"The most beautiful girl there was in our town," Ty's father says behind him. "I can't wait to get back to her."

"Go ahead pops, I'll be alright," Ty reassures his father with a nod. But, Mr. Nelson doesn't want to leave his son. He has to though.

"Alright son, I'll see you in September." They hug a little longer than usual finding it hard to let go, but finally they do. They have to.

Samiyah sees Mr. Nelson leaving and wonders about the other guy. She didn't know that when she had looked away, Ty took bags into the house.

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"Sammi!" Mrs. Pearson called from her bedroom. Samiyah rose from her bed and went to her mother. Mrs. Pearson was lying in her room finishing up a magazine. Samiyah stands there waiting, knowing what she's going to do. Mrs. Pearson hands her the magazine and then points to the others in the corner.

Samiyah walked across the street to Ms. Robinson's house with the stack of magazines out ready to be given away. Ms. Robinson didn't like getting magazines in the mail. Samiyah was expecting a nice conversation about weather or news with Ms. Robinson. Ms. Robinson had been lonely since Mr. Robinson died.

She knocked softly on her door three times and then paused and two more times. A few seconds later, the door was opened. A thick eye browed, chocolate brown eyed, full lipped, tall boy was in front of Samiyah. This is not Mrs. Robinson. She thought to herself. She opened her mouth a few times before actually saying anything.

"Uh, I live across the street," she pointed back to her house, "I'm just dropping off these magazines for Ms. Robinson."

"Oh thanks! I'll give them to her," Ty said with a voice like Leonardo DiCaprio's. He had a smile in his eyes and a slight smile on his lips. He didn't know what else to say at that moment, but he was thinking about a lot. Thank you God, he said to himself.

She was about to walk away but he quickly stopped her. "What's your name?" he asked her.

"Samiyah Pearson."

"Ty... Nelson. I'm staying with Aunt Sandra for the summer," he let her know. "I just got here yesterday."

"I saw! I mean I wasn't trying to be nosey, I was just reading outside."

"Nah, it's cool. I'm sure you aren't the nosey type." Samiyah looked at him confused.

"What type do I look like?" She asked curious. Ty took that time to look at her. He knew exactly what type he thought she was, he just looked at her because he wanted to. He felt blessed.

"You seem like the curious type. Not nosey, but curious. You probably read a lot. You enjoy simple things. Probably doesn't take a lot to make you happy. You're content with whatever you get most of the time. But there's other things..." he said that last part to make her even more curious.

Samiyah was impressed with this boy. He was kind of right about her. But he only made her curious.

"What other things are there?" She asked him.

"Maybe I'll tell you some other time," he smiled showing his right cheek dimple.

He was burning into her soul with his eyes. She knew she needed to go when a feeling rose in her she was not familiar with. "Well, it was nice to meet you Ty," she nodded politely.

Ty decided to do something he would Never regret in his life. He grabbed her gently by the arm and kissed her softly on the lips. When she didn't smack him right afterward, he thought she had accepted it. But, when he opened his eyes he saw her's wide and her hand on her lips. She looked mortified. She began backing away, then she ran across the street to her house. He smiled wide making his right cheek dimple show even more.

She would not be back outside for three days.

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