Okay, Fine Ty

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Samiyah opened the door, and there stood her - the - milk chocolate figure. He held a piece of folded paper in his hand ready to be taken by her. She took it and looked inside. A drawing of brown eyes was on it. Her brown eyes.

"I don't draw, but I worked all night on it. I really wanted them to be perfect," he said looking at it with her. She stared at it for a long time. Her long curly eyelashes. The small birthmark right above her left eye. How did he catch all of that?

"You pay close attention," Samiyah said still looking at it.

Ty got a little nervous. She didn't say anything and kept staring. What did that mean?

"It's nice, Ty," she smiled at him. He sighed relieved. 

"You weren't really saying anything, so I thought-"

"No, I just can't believe you remember my eyes so well."

"I can't forget them," he said looking into her actual eyes.

This time, Samiyah didn't look away. She let his eyes take her. They didn't say anything, there wasn't a need to. There was like a magnetic force between them. Samiyah was really feeling it now. She was almost lost in it.

"Hey, Ty!" Jelena said coming toward them. Their eye contact broke, but the pull was still there a bit.

"Hey..." Ty said very upset to see her. He could've stayed like that forever.

"Did I interrupt something?" Jelena asked. Yes, Ty thought annoyed.

"Yeah, Jelena can you go out for a second," Samiyah said to her sister. Ty was ecstatic to hear that.

"Oh, okay," Jelena said turning to go back to Samiyah's room.

"No like, out the house," Samiyah said sounding frustrated. Jelena didn't say another word but went into the backyard. Ty was glad he didn't have to do that.

Samiyah struggled to do what she was about to do. She struggled not really because she didn't want to, but something in her just didn't want him to win so easily. Why was she so hard on him?

"Ty," she started off with the sweetest voice. Ty looked at her with his eyes a little bigger. Almost as if he were pleading for her to tell him something good. She opened her mouth and then closed it again.

"It'll be better than slushies next time. I promise," Ty said panicky, "I've looked up all the difference places. There's Italian restaurants, Mexican restaurants, there's even a nice outdoor restaurant. Did you know you guys have a huge building for laser tag?"

Samiyah couldn't help but smile at him. He was kind of adorable.

"Okay, Ty. Come and get me on Friday at 7."

Ty was about to jump for joy, but he figured she'd change her mind if he did that.

"That is great! I will definitely see you then," he said backing away with a huge grin on his face.

Samiyah had a feeling this would be very interesting. 

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