If You Go I Go

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Samiyah heard the monitor start to beep rapidly. She turned to Ty and got close to his face.

"Ty, baby?" she shook him.

Doctors and nurses soon barged in telling her she had to leave. At first, she protested, but she knew they had to do their job in order to bring him back to her.

She left the room and immediately fell on the floor crying. She looked up at God and then down and prayed.

She wasn't a good prayer. It was usually a basic "now I lay me down to sleep" or "God is good, God is great."

But now she prayed a deeper prayer. One that wasn't for her. One that told God she had nothing else to do or give and it was up to Him.

"Lord, I know I have such little faith sometimes. I'm not the best at coming to You always. But, I need You so badly right now. I know it's wrong to come to You only in such a dramatic time, but this isn't about me. It's Ty. He's more faithful than I am. He believes in Your goodness more than anyone I know. Please, Lord, please bring him back here. In Jesus' name, Amen."

The door opened and the doctor looked at her. She didn't look at him for longer than a second; he couldn't even speak. She got up and walked into the room. Her arms were wrapped around herself. She walked slowly and then looked at Ty. She couldn't hear a thing until-


She opened her mouth as a thousand knives shattered her heart. She felt like her soul was leaving her body. It was like the time Ty had first kissed her, only it was the complete opposite feeling. Euphoria to despair. Her soul reached for Ty's out of desperation. She felt like she was dying. Her own eyes began to close. 

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