Can She Handle the Truth?

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Samiyah touched her lips remembering Ty's sweetness. His soft lips took in hers entirely too fast for her to digest. But they felt so good and tasted even better. Samiyah knew that heaven felt just like that. There couldn't be anything better.

It was so good, she became so overwhelmed that she fainted. She woke up in her bed. Waking up there made her realize, Ty saw her room, and her sister or mother let him. She wondered how long he'd stayed with her. Did he kiss her again? She knew that Ty wasn't going to take advantage of her. She trusted him at least that much, but it still was weird for him to see something private like her room without actually inviting him in. 

She knew seeing him again would probably be detrimental to her mental health. He made her so weak. She could barely breathe just thinking about seeing him again.

She knew that Ty would have an advantage if he knew that he had a magnetic pull on her. He probably already knew and that was the worst part to Samiyah. She had to resist. Why was she so hard on him? She didn't want to believe it, but maybe because she liked that he worked so hard. And a hard worker never gives up. It was possible that she wanted someone who never gave up. Besides, the hardest workers get the best results. If he worked hard enough, maybe her resisting would cease. 

It didn't matter to Samiyah, it wasn't like she was going to give herself to someone she wasn't meant to be with.

Jelena leaned against her room door.

"Ty dropped you off. I told him he could bring you back here. You fell asleep? Really Samiyah?" Jelena crossed her arms and shook her head disappointed.

Samiyah ignored her. She definitely wasn't going to tell her she fainted because then Jelena would start telling lies that Samiyah was in love with Ty. Just a lie.

"Okay, fine! Keep ignoring me. I'm just trying to help you out." Jelena walked out of the room and down the hallway frustrated with her sister.

Samiyah didn't mean to be so harsh toward Jelena. In fact, she and her sister were usually closer. They talked about a lot of things. When Jelena got engaged, she told Samiyah immediately. Samiyah was also the maid of honor. They always had soda and relaxed while talking about the day. Jelena came to Samiyah about all her breakups and listened to Samiyah talk about The Alchemist. Samiyah was closer to her sister than anyone else. Her sister showed the most interest in her than anyone else, until Ty. Samiyah was maybe so reluctant to talk to her sister because she didn't want to talk about Ty. But now, maybe she couldn't do that anymore.

"Jelena!" She called her. Jelena came back to the room still looking unpleased.

"What? You want to throw me out again?" She snapped. Samiyah sagged her shoulders knowing that was well deserved.

"I'm sorry that I've been so distant," Samiyah gave her sad apologetic eyes. Jelena's face softened slowly. She uncrossed her arms showing her full surrender and walked over to Samiyah. She embraced her.

"Why don't you talk to me anymore?" Jelena gave her own sad eyes.

"Because..." Samiyah started hesitantly looking away from Jelena, "I don't want to talk about him and I know you will want to. And you have tried to make me talk about him," she whined.

"Why didn't you say something?" Jelena also whined shaking Samiyah. "We don't have to talk about him," Jelena said and Samiyah could tell she was reluctant to say that. Samiyah hugged her sister for sacrificing her wants. They leaned back and smiled at each other. There was happiness in their eyes that said they'd missed each other.

"So, anything new going on?" Samiyah asked doubtfully.

"No, you know it's not." Jelena shrugged and put her chin on her fist. "He works, I stay at home or come over here."

Samiyah frowned. Jelena had got married three years ago to a rich guy, Michael. Jelena liked Michael a lot, but that was it. She just liked him and he just liked her. But there liking wasn't enough. Samiyah could definitely see that because Jelena was always with them. Michael and Jelena didn't do much together. Jelena usually ate dinner with Samiyah. Samiyah knew Jelena would probably still stay with him, though.

"Why did you marry Michael?" She blurts out even though she really didn't mean to ask. She knew Jelena would lie and say that she loved him. Samiyah would just end up feeling bad for even bringing it up.

Jelena looked at herself in the mirror. Her mouth was open as if she were shocked. She looked more so confused, however. It was almost as if she'd never even asked herself that question. She looked down.

"Because..." she shook her head. "Because I was afraid of the truth."

Looking at her sister in that state really made Samiyah wonder, how could she fail her sister. How could she let her sister marry someone she doesn't love? She knew her sister was a hopeless romantic and yet, she gets cash and an empty mansion instead. She talked to her sister every day about everything and she didn't see it. She didn't see, for her sister, that he wasn't the one.

What if I make the same mistake? Samiyah fears in her thoughts. What if I'm afraid of the truth?

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