The Other Girl

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Ty sat outside on his porch with Samiyah snuggled up next to him. It was so peaceful having her there, but Naomi would be there any minute. A über was dropping her off.

Did Samiyah purposely snuggle all the way up to him to make sure Naomi knew he was hers? Maybe. She was glad Ty wanted her to be there when Naomi arrived because it made her feel like Ty really was trying to make sure that Naomi knew he had no interest in her.

When the black Nissan pulled up in front of his house, Ty stayed put just in case it wasn't her and not to look more eager than he actually was. When Naomi got out of the car, Ty grabbed Samiyah's hand and they walked down toward her together.

The long curly haired, dark chocolate skinned, smiley face was gorgeous! Suddenly, Samiyah was nervous. She knew she shouldn't be, but she felt so intimidated. She's perfect! Samiyah thought.

"Ty!" Naomi squealed. She gave him a hug. He hugged her back but still held Samiyah's hand. He squeezed it. Naomi stepped back and looked at Samiyah. She placed a hand over her heart.

"It's so nice to meet you!" She hugged Samiyah and Samiyah hugged her back looking surprised.

"Ty told me about you. I hope we can become friends!"

She was nice! Super nice. How could Ty not want her? Samiyah wondered.

"It's nice to meet you too," Samiyah said politely.

"You can come on in Naomi," Ty said pulling Samiyah with him.

They all entered the house. Samiyah and Ty sat next to each other while Naomi sat across from them.

"It's a small town. Especially compared to Atlanta," Naomi mentioned. By the way she said that it could be assumed she wasn't a big fan of small towns.

"Yeah, it's small but cozy. I like it here," he assured her. She frowned obviously upset about that.

"Do you miss Atlanta?" she asked him. He shrugged. "I liked Atlanta. But I could see myself living here."

Samiyah's eyes widened and she turned to him. She didn't know he felt that way. Not that she was mad at all about it.

Naomi sighed. "Well, I'm not gonna argue with you to come back. But, your parents do miss you," she mentioned. Samiyah was secretly jealous that Naomi knew his parents and she didn't. At the same time, she was annoyed. This chick might as well be his girlfriend since she's all up in his business. she said, not out loud of course.

"Yeah, my parents will be fine," he said nonchalantly.

"Do you miss them?" she asked. Ty was always annoyed with how she invaded his personal life. They were friends, but they were not that cool. That was another reason Ty wasn't attracted to her, she was too invasive even when she wasn't his girlfriend.

"Of course, Naomi. They're my parents." Naomi just shrugged.

"So, what do you guys have around here? It doesn't seem like much."

Samiyah knew her town wasn't that big compared to others, but she was not about to let an outsider talk about it.

"We have enough," she said smiling trying to distract the attitude in her tone. "We can go bowling, skating, laser tagging, go karting, on a walk," Samiyah said that last one with a teasing tone in her voice. She could tell Naomi was not going to be into just walking. 

Naomi laughed. "Who goes on walks to have fun?" Well, Ty and Samiyah.

And that was another reason why Ty wasn't into her. Ty had to put up with her constant want to do things that were "impressive". She didn't like doing simple things like walking or just talking. If she did talk it wasn't really a conversation, it was more like a monologue. It didn't mean she wasn't a good person to him. She was. But, it was just those things in her personality he couldn't get over.

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