Uh... I have to think about it

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It was that time again. Samiyah didn't dread it this time, she was just annoyed at how excited she knew he would be. She rolled her eyes, but there was a small smile on her lips.

She had the magazines held out in front of her ready to be given away. She looked at the green door expecting to see it replaced by a tall, milk chocolate figure.

"Hi, I'm Mr. Robinson's nephew, Ty. I came to see if I could volunteer some time," Ty asked the white-haired woman at the front desk.

"Hi, Ty! That would be really nice - Sharon come here - we're always looking for volunteers." The woman said.

A tall, short-haired woman with glasses came up to them. She looked at the woman sitting at the front desk.

"What's going on Betty?"

"This is Ty, Charlie's nephew."

Sharon looked Ty over. Her eyebrows furrowed.

"You don't look like Charlie," she said. Crossing her arms.

She's going to be the tough one, Ty thought to himself.

"I'm actually his wife's blood nephew," Ty informed the stern lady.

"Mmmmhm..." Sharon still looked at him with a suspicious eye.

Ty tried to shrug the lady off.

"He wants to be a volunteer. We're always looking for volunteers!" Betty said excitedly.

"We always get volunteers, Betty," Sharon said obviously not fond of the idea.

"An extra pair of hands never harmed anyone," Ty said smiling and telling his eyes what to do.

Sharon looked at his eyes. She uncrossed her arms.

"Do what you want," she said trying not to let her tough act all the way down.

"You can start tomorrow! You can work from ten in the morning till three in the afternoon," Betty said really excited herself.

"Thank you so much!" Ty kissed her hand.

"Oh, why thank you!" Betty giggled.

"Hi, Samiyah!" Mrs. Robinson said. This IS Mrs. Robinson, Samiyah thought, a little surprised.

"Hi, Mrs. Robinson. These are for you." She handed her the magazines.

"Thank you so much Samiyah! You know I hate getting these in the mail. They take up too much space."

Samiyah stood there not knowing if she should leave or what.

"I heard you and Ty went out," Mrs. Robinson said with a sly smile.

Samiyah's eyes widened.

"It was nothing. I mean, I just wanted to make him feel comfortable here, you know?"

"Thank you for that, Samiyah. That was really nice of you," Mrs. Robinson put down the magazine and hugged her.

Samiyah went back home not really sure how to feel about Ty not being there staring her down. Did she really want him to see him?

He's probably out somewhere in some other girls' pants 'cause he can't get in mine as easily as he thought, She said to herself. She shrugged it off and walked in her room.

Jelena was on her bed on the phone. Samiyah was going to say something, but she decided not to waste her time.

"So, did you see him?" Jelena asked smiling at her.

"No, he wasn't there," Samiyah said as nonchalantly as possible.

"Disappointed?" Jelena teased.

Samiyah gave her a look. "I could care less," she rolled her eyes.

"So you care a little?"

Samiyah ignored her sister and began reading again. She was now at the part where Santiago falls in love with Fatima.

"Uh oh, look who I see!" Jelena looked out of Samiyah's window. Samiyah looked out as well. Oh boy! She thought to herself.

The doorbell rang and there was a knock. Samiyah was going to get up and get it, but Jelena ran to the door first. Samiyah sat back down and listened.

"Come in, Ty!" She heard Jelena say. Samiyah began to freak out inside.

"Let me go get Samiyah." Jelena came back in Samiyah's room as her eyebrows did a dance. Samiyah rolled her eyes so hard at her sister.

Ty straightened up off of the wall when he saw Samiyah. He looked at her casual blue, white polka dotted, sleeveless dress. This girl can do no wrong in any outfit. He smiled stepping toward her.

"Nice to see you again," he stared into her eyes.

Samiyah looked away not sure how to feel about him being in her house. She just nodded at that.

"Can I get you something to drink?" She asked politely. She went to the kitchen without him answering first. She came back with a glass of red Kool-aid and handed it to him.

"Thank you," he took a sip.

They didn't talk for a minute and just shared a silence. It was not comfortable. Especially for Samiyah since he was staring at her.

"So, uh... I know I just saw you a few days ago, but I been thinking about you since then. I haven't stopped," Ty said biting his lip.

"That's uh..." She couldn't figure out what to say.

"I know how you feel, but I really wanna hang out again sometime."

The way his voice was sounding so soft and calm. The way his chocolate eyes were staring at her. The way his dimple showed when he smiled just the slightest. Something in Samiyah in that moment yearned to say yeah.

"I- I don't know. I have to think about it," Samiyah said to him. Ty's spirit was crushed. He wanted to spend time with her so badly. Those eyes of hers were calling him and he just wanted to stare at them.

"Alright, yeah!" he said cooly not trying to show it affected him.

"I'll see you around," she said. She let Ty out and as soon as she did Jelena smacked her on the back of the head.

"Ouch!" she yelled out.

"Fool!" Jelena shook her head in disappointment walking away. 

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