I wouldn't give you up

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Samiyah sat with her mother at Chick-Fil-A. They were finishing what they were starting before the accident happened.

She really wanted to be with Ty to make sure her baby was okay, but she knew this time with her mother was needed.

"So, how are you doing with the whole Ty thing?" her mother asked.

"It's been alright. He's doing a lot better."

"Yes, but how are you doing?" she asked again stressing the 'you'.

Me? Samiyah thought. I'm fine? she questioned herself. She just gave her a shrug not knowing what her answer should be. She didn't mind taking care of her baby. Granted, sometimes he truly did act like a baby, but she knew what he had been through.

"I'm just asking because I don't want you to tire yourself out. I know you love him, but sometimes you get tired and he might get a bit irritating. His mother and aunt are there, if you need a break then you can take one."

Ehhhh, she thought to herself. Knowing Ty, he wouldn't let her go so easily. And, she just gave a speech to his mother about how she was gonna be his wife and blah blah.

"I'm just saying, Sammi." Mrs. Pearson shrugged.

Samiyah internally sighed. She didn't want to think about it anymore. It felt like she was saying she was done with him and needed a break.

"Aren't you glad daddy is back?" Samiyah asked her mother. Mrs. Pearson's face grew into a smile and she turned away shyly, but not before nodding.

Samiyah had always thought it was a wonder. What was it about her father that made her mother act so ... bashful? Her father would give this award-winning smile and her mother would actually "giggle". Of course, she understood now, with Ty.

"I'm so glad he's home," Mrs. Pearson sighed happily.

Her mother was in love and so was she, but Jelena was another story.

"Mama, do you know Will?" she asked.

Mrs. Pearson thought for a second. "Um, he sounds familiar. Does he know you or Jelena?" she asked.


Mrs. Pearson gave a look of wonder for a second. Then, she seemed to remember. "Oh, Will. The love of Jelena's life, Will." She nodded.

Samiyah gave her a look that said that's not something you just say casually.

"I could tell Jelena loved him. The way she is with Michael is nothing compared to when she was with Will," she sipped her watermelon mint lemonade.

"I met him recently. He still loves her," Samiyah said.

Her mother gave her a look that said yikes.

"That is not good. Now that Jelena is married, she needs to stay away from him or she'll fall in love all over again."

Now, Samiyah sipped her lemonade.

"She already saw him," Mrs. Pearson concluded.

"We brought him to her house," Samiyah said apologetically.

"Why would you do that?"

"We didn't know that was going to be the case!"

"Her marriage is over."

"What? No!"

Mrs. Pearson sighed. "Samiyah, you don't understand. Love like that can't just be dismissed. Soon, Jelena will be smacking herself for thinking about Will all the time and Michael will notice something is off."

Samiyah sipped her lemonade some more remembering what Jelena said at Ty's welcome home party.

Well, now all she could do was hope Jelena wouldn't do anything stupid.

* * *

Ty smiled at Samiyah as soon as she walked through the door of his room. He moved the laptop off his lap and walked toward her slowly. She was giving him a shy smile back.

"Hey, baby," he said embracing her. "Hey," she said softly.

She moved around him and sat down on his bed. He nervously bit his slip with a small smile as she looked at his laptop. She looked up and smiled at him with a proud smile.

"Look at you studying hard!" She reached her arms up toward him and he came closer and bent down so she could give him a kiss.

Ty had found a very helpful website that could teach him code; Codeisforyou.com. Learning online proved to be easier than he thought; he could learn at his own pace and stay in his pajamas.

"Soon, I'll be coding websites and making big money. This one guy took a coding class online and he was earning 80,000 a year with his first job. His first!"

Samiyah gave him gave a supportive smile. She could hear her old thoughts of doubt wanting to come back.

"You wanna see me make a really basic website?" he asked.

"Um, I think I'll pass for now," she said thinking about how long that could actually take.

Ty stared at Samiyah who wasn't looking at him. She pushed her glasses up on her nose cutely and kept looking down. He pulled her close to him and kissed her temple.

"Something you want to tell me?" he asked. She loosened and leaned into him. He heard her sigh and knew she was about to release whatever it was that was on her mind that was bothering her.

"Before you say anything, is this-"

"No, it's not about our wedding that's going to happen," she let him know.

"Then what's going on?" he asked her. She looked at the concern in his eyes. I could never leave this, she thought to herself. What reason did she have to anyway?

"It's Jelena. I'm worried she and Will are going to do something they'll regret."

She heard him sigh. "I hope she doesn't cheat on her husband, but I don't think we can stop her from doing anything. She makes her own choices, Samiyah, at the end of the day."

Samiyah was hearing him, but she just couldn't help-

"You feel responsible, I know you," he said reading her mind," but it's not your fault. Like I said, it's her choice. Whether it was your mom who said something, your dad, Barack Obama, she still would have made the choice herself."

She started to really listen to him. It wasn't her fault. He was right, she couldn't control Jelena.

"You really think she wouldn't listen to Obama?" She asked playfully.

"I wouldn't if he told me to give you up," Ty squeezed his arms around her.

Maybe Jelena would be okay. Hopefully she'd do the right thing. 

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