Telling the Parents

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She was actually getting married. Samiyah never actually thought about love and marriage being for her. Ty was a very unexpected thing that happened in her life. This was even more unexpected; she was getting married.

She massaged Ty's back like she'd done for the past three days. She definitely knew she had been spoiling him: feeding him, washing his clothes, giving him massages, staying with him until he fell asleep. Yeah, he was spoiled.

Spoiled rotten. All the women in his life tending to his needs. And although they were much help, his mother and Aunt Sandra, he only needed Samiyah. His soon to be wife. She was already fulfilling her "in sickness and in health" duties.

She treated him like the baby he was acting like. He didn't want to be too tough on her so he only had her feed him breakfast and dinner. Since his right arm was broken, he struggled a lot more while using a fork or spoon.

"Thank you, baby," he said kissing her. That girl really did give good massages. He watched her as she put the top back on the cocoa butter. She is so beautiful.

She sat back down next to him and he embraced her in a one-armed hug.

"You know... we still have to tell our parents," she said her voice muffled from her face being buried in his chest.

His widened at the thought of King Kong reacting to that. The only thing he could see was himself being thrown across town.

"Samiyah, Imma tell you right now, I think it'd be a better idea if we just eloped."

"Ty, Imma tell you right now, I think that is the dumbest thing you've said. If you honestly think my father is scary now, then try doing something stupid like that."

He gave her an exasperated sigh and laid back on the bed. "Yeah, but if we elope, they can't stop us from getting married, 'cause we'll already be married."

She closed her eyes at his ridiculousness. Ty just never let anything go. But he wasn't gonna win this one.

"It doesn't matter if we get married if our parents are just gonna kill us!"

"At least we'll be together."

"Ty! You are impossible."

She saw him "snicker". He was seriously laughing at that moment when all she wanted to do was hit him.

"You always have to refute what I say," he said looking up at the ceiling.

"You always have to say something completely stupid," she said staring at him.

He smiled his white teeth almost blinding her and his chocolate eyes seeming to glow.

"Man, I love you like crazy," he laughed. And she found herself laughing too. She laid next to him and rested her head on his heart. It felt so good to hear it beating.

"Okay, fine. We'll tell them today," he finally decided. She looked up at him and smiled. She was about to get to his face when -

"Samiyah, you do not want to have this battle. I kiss harder than you."

She grinned and attacked him anyway knowing he would most definitely get her back later. And she was hoping he would.

* * *

"You wanna what?" Mr. Pearson asked. Samiyah felt Ty hold her hand tighter.

"Next summer, we're getting married," Samiyah declared once again.

"Yes, that's what we wanna do," Ty said his voice breaking. She was so mad he made her do all the talking when he was the one that said they should get married in the first place.

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