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Ty knocked on Samiyah's door and waited for her to answer. When she answered she looks like a little child with big eyes hoping for the least cruel punishment, just a ten minute time out. Ty looks at her and makes sure his tone is soft. 

"Samiyah if I can't have you as my girl, it will bring me pain, but if  you're not in my life at all, then it would kill me. So if we have to, we can just be friends," he said reluctantly. 

Samiyah put her hand over her heart. In her head, she went, "aww!" She admired him for that so much and now he made it even harder for her to resist. Was resisting him worth her soul the pain and agony it was experiencing? This could be her man and she was ruining it.

When she didn't say anything, Ty's spirit whimpered in a corner. He let out a loud sigh and stepped back to leave but-

She grabbed his hand. She had no idea why she reached for him automatically like that. Or she chose to ignore the reason. 

"Wait, Ty," her mouth stayed open to say more but nothing came out. She closed her eyes and thought. She didn't want to be his, but she didn't want to not be his. 

"I'll be reserved," she concluded. 

Ty gave her a confused, interested look. Reserved? Like a seat? Was she saying what he thought she was saying? 

"What do you mean reserved and for how long?" he asked. 

"I mean, I'm not ready for a relationship right now, but when I am, I'm all yours," she said. 

All his. That sounded real good. If eventually, he could be with her then he was happy enough. 

"Ty, I can't lie and say that I don't like you because I do, actually. You are so cute and sweet, but I just don't want to get into something, that could hurt," she said.

"Nothing about being with me is painful," he assured her confidently stepping closer. 

She couldn't help but look up at his lips. 

"Don't look at my lips," Ty warned her, letting her know what would happen.

"Do it then," she said softly out loud when she really didn't mean to. She reached to cover her mouth from the shock of saying that, but his lips reached her first. When he finished he bit her lip. She had to hold on to the door knob. 

"I'm reserved," she told him again after pulling herself together. 

"For me. That kind of makes you mine already," he informed her. She rolled her eyes.

"You better go before I make myself a free agent."

"You know I'll chase every man away from not only you but this town if they ever try to take you from me. It's nobody but me Samiyah. You know that." He smirked with mischief in his eyes walking back to his house. 

She touched her lips and imagined over and over again that he was kissing them. That was her secret though. 

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