How To Start An Affair

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Ty was showing Samiyah some funny videos when Jelena pulled up. She got out of the car and came toward them.

"Hey, guys!" She sat in between them on the porch swing. "How you doing?" She asked. Samiyah gave Jelena an inquisitive look. Jelena was always bright, but this was like she bought a new and brighter light bulb.

"Good," Samiyah said for both her and Ty. "Good. Well, I'm wonderful!"

"You saw Will," Ty blurted out. 


"No, it's okay. He's right. Willy and I just had lunch together." Samiyah liked seeing Jelena happy, but this was not right.

Ty couldn't help but want them together, though. The look on both of their faces had said love, said soulmates. Jelena and Will were meant to be together. After five years, five years, they were still connected at the heart. It was evident.

"Was Michael with you?" Samiyah asked and Jelena's face automatically dimmed into darkness. "Michael, who?" she asked. Samiyah saw Ty smile and gave him his last warning look.

"Jelena, this is not okay. You're married and he's engaged," Samiyah notified her.

"Don't forget, I have a prenup." Samiyah smacked her forehead. "Jelena you don't understand. Michael is a good guy and I'm sure Will's fiancee is a nice girl. You guys can't do that to them." Jelena rolled her eyes the whole time Samiyah was talking.

"Michael doesn't pay attention to me and from what Willy says, neither does his fiancee Veronica," she said adding a hint of disgust to the name Veronica.

"I thought you would be glad for me. You found your soulmate and Will is mine. You should understand that."

Samiyah was exhausted trying to get Jelena to see the error.

"Jelena, Ty and I are under completely different circumstances. I'm not married or about to be and neither is he."

"You better not be," Ty said giving his own warning look, which was really cute if Samiyah was judging. 

"Jelena, you have no reason to get a divorce. He provides for you, doesn't hurt you, and has never cheated-"

"But I'm unhappy. And he is too. We don't even talk. I can't even tell you if he's cheating or not. But more importantly, I don't love him and he doesn't love me."

Samiyah gave up.

"Well, there you go. Do what you have to do Jelena. I, quite frankly, believe in love. If it's out there, then you have to go after it," Ty said.

I am going to beat him, Samiyah thought to herself. She wasn't going to be able to convince Jelena no matter how hard she tried. She understood that love was powerful, but she can't just leave Michael because she feels like it.

"Do what you wanna do. I can't stop you," Samiyah said.

Jelena sat there thinking about it for a second and then she stood. "Yeah, I am gonna do what I have to do. I'll see you guys later."

Once Jelena left, Samiyah slowly turned to Ty.

A chill went up Ty's back. He was about to die.

"Look, you know how I am, okay?" he tried to plead his case which obviously wasn't effective.

Samiyah smacked his arm. "Don't you ever promote divorce again or I will do more than smack your arm! You made the situation worse!"

"People make mistakes. She made one, but she can fix it."

"She's going to get herself into an affair, Ty!"

Ty sighed exasperatedly. "I'm just glad it's not us. This is too exhausting to think about even though it's not us."

Samiyah looked at Ty.

"You wouldn't let me leave anyway," she said.

"I'd lock you in the basement."

Of course, she thought happily to herself. And she'd let him.

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