Another Intruder

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Samiyah walked into Everyday Living excited to see the residents. It felt like forever since she had been there. She was happy to finally be back. She hoped the patients wouldn't be mad at them for not being around for a while.

"Hi Ms. Betty!" she greeted her kindly.

"It's so wonderful to see you two!" Ms. Betty said with rosy cheeks.

"It's good to see you too!" Ty and Samiyah said at the same time.

"The residents may scold you a bit for being gone so long, but they'll be just as happy," Ms. Betty let them know.

Suddenly Ms. Sharon came from around the corner with a young man. He looked to be a bit older than Samiyah and Ty. He was like dark chocolate with white chocolate chips for eyes. And those white chocolate chips stared at her.

Ty saw this guy staring at her and automatically put his arm around Samiyah. The guy obviously looked at Ty but looked back at Samiyah immediately.

"Hi, Ms. Sharon!" Samiyah greeted her politely. "Hi," Ms. Sharon said unamused.

Samiyah just smiled at the guy who she was with Ms. Sharon. His starring made her lean into Ty.

"This is Will," Ms. Betty said. "He's Ms. Sharon's grandson." Samiyah just nodded. Then, Will came up to them.

"Hi," he said seemed to be in a trance and only focusing on Samiyah. "Hi," she said nervously.

"Alright, well we're going to go see the residents now," Ty said pulling Samiyah away. She happily went. That guy was staring at her like he wanted to take her right out of Ty's arms.

"Do you know him?" Ty asked. "No! I don't think I've ever seen him in my life."

"Well, he must know you," Ty said annoyed taking his hand away from Samiyah. She looked at him confused and grabbed his hand back stopping him.

"Hey, what's your problem?"

"Nothing," he replied obviously lying. She raised an eyebrow. "I hate to be the jealous type, but he better find out soon before I have to tell him," Ty said.

"Look at me," she grabbed his chin, "you have nothing to worry about. Besides, maybe I just look like someone he knows. He probably was just thinking of that person," she said hoping that was the answer.

Ty went into the lounge more upset than he intended. They both were really quiet. The residents looked at them worried. Ty sat down at Benny's table.

"Hi to you too. Haven't seen you in a while and you got nothing to say?" Benny questioned.

Samiyah sat at the table with the ladies. "Hi," she said sounding mopey. "What's the matter with you?" Mrs. Larne asked her?

"It's Ty, he's upset because some guy was staring at me." She rolled her eyes. The women at the table laughed. "Isn't he ridiculous?" she asked.

"I'm not really a hostile person," Ty told the men, "but I really just wanted to," he punched his palm with his fist.

Benny laughed at him. "Ty, you gotta take it easy. If Samiyah loves you like you say, then she's not worried about that guy," Benny told him.

"I'm not worried about her, I'm worried that guy doing something."

"I mean he acts like I'm actually interested in him!" Samiyah said frustratingly.

"Oh honey, he's not worried about you, he's worried about the guy," Mrs. Larne informed her.

"But what does what he does have to do with me?"

"If she's not worried about the guy then there's no reason to go on about him. Forget about him. He's irrelevant."

"Yeah, but I don't want him to talk to her or touch or even look at her. Benny, you would feel the same way if you saw how he was looking at her. No guy wants their woman to be look at like that by some other man!"

"Whether you do anything or not Samiyah, a man is a man. Very territorial. It's not about what you do, it's about protecting what's his."

"He doesn't have to protect me," Samiyah groaned.

"Samiyah, how would you feel if Ty saw that guy looking at you like a piece of fresh steak and didn't do anything about it at all and just let him?"

Samiyah imagined Ty standing there not doing anything. That made her upset too.

"Exactly," Mrs. Larne said.

"Ty, did the guy do anything actually out of line?"

"That was out of line. She's mine! You don't eye something unless you want it."

"Just calm down and analyze this situation. This guy doesn't come here often. Have you seen him before?" Ty shook his head. "Okay then. So what do you have to worry about? It's not like he'll be around for a while. Just let it go."

"Would you let it go, Benny?" Ty asked. "Oh no, I would've socked him," Benny answered immediately. Ty threw his hands in the air.

"You guys just need to talk about it. Comfort him and tell him not to worry. A woman's words are stronger than any knife, bullet, or fist."

Samiyah looked over at Ty.

Ty looked over at Samiyah. He stood and nodded her in the direction out of the room.

"I'm sorry," Ty said once they were out of the room. "I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you."

Samiyah grabbed his arms. "It's okay, I understand, but Ty all you need to worry about is me. I'm not interested in him."

"I know-"

"No, listen," she held up a finger. Demanding. I like that. Ty said to himself.

"I'm what you should focus on. Not him. Focus on me, okay?" she was looking deep into his eyes. It soothed Ty. He nodded and said, "okay." Then she slapped his arm.

"That's for getting an attitude with me." 

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