Hello Old Friend

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He needed her to know. He'd said it but she hadn't heard him say it. So close and yet nothing was accomplished. Ty sat on the couch wondering how he was really going to tell her he loved her. 

His thoughts were interrupted by his phone ringing. He picked it up kind of amused to see who it was. Naomi. As soon as he picked up: 

"Hey, Ty," her voice came through loudly and overly excited. 

"What's up Naomi?" Ty asked nonchalantly. 

"Nothing really. I miss you," she said. Now, how was he supposed to answer that? He didn't really miss her. But before he could answer: 

"But you're coming back at the end of Summer, right?" she asked hopefully. 

"Uh..." and how was he supposed to answer that? After meeting Samiyah he wasn't planning on going anywhere. 

Ty didn't want to come back and especially not for her. Ty didn't necessarily avoid her because he thought that would be harsh; however, he didn't go out of his way to see her either. Ty knew she was not the one for him and something said she knew this, but she kept hope for whatever reason. 

"I cannot wait till you get back. You think you can leave a little early so we can spend time together?" she asked. Ty sighed. 

"Look, Naomi I'm not exactly..." he hesitated, "sure that I'm coming back." The line was quiet. He closed his eyes. 

"Ty, don't be stupid. You're coming back," she said with a demanding tone. 

"No, Naomi. I don't think so." He waited for a response honestly ready to hang up the phone to go back to his Samiyah contemplation. 

"Did you meet someone?" She asked and there was hurt in her voice. He grabbed his forehead nervous as to where this was about to go. He was already stressing. 

"I mean, if you did it's whatever. I'm not mad. I don't control your life. I'm just asking," she said trying to sound chill. 

"Yeah, I met her," he said as if she would know who her was. But when Ty said her, he meant the one. 

"Hm." He waited for more of a response knowing there was one coming. 

"Ty!" She said with what seemed a mixture of disbelief and fake excitement. "That's so cute!" And she said that as if she were talking to a five-year-old who had just given her a bracelet to show how much he liked her. Ty shook his head. He knew she wouldn't understand. For all he knew, she thought she was supposed to be with Ty.

He could remember when they were in fifth grade, that was when they first met. She seemed pretty chill at first, but then she became obsessed. She'd follow him around, walk with him to class even if they weren't going to the same class, and text him non-stop before, during, and after school. Why had she become so obsessed? He had no idea. There was nothing about him, to him, that was that charming. 

"I mean I'll still visit. My family is there," he mentioned trying not to make her feel so bad. 

"And I'm here," she said. 

"Yeah," he said kind of awkwardly. 

All in all, Naomi was actually a good person. She was nice to you, she was helpful, she always made you feel good about yourself. And she was pretty. Naomi was a girl that most girls didn't mind unless they were jealous, and most guys liked. There was nothing truly wrong with her. So why Ty didn't like her? He just knew she wasn't it. She didn't have it for him. 

Unfortunately, one day he decided to try anyway. Maybe he had been wrong about his feelings for her (deep down he knew the truth). So, he decided in freshmen year to ask her on a date. Her whole face just lit up. He couldn't think of a time she looked happier. They went on the date and she was honestly, so perfect. She wasn't the type to just talk about herself, she asked about him too. They talked about school and tv shows. They talked about funny videos they liked. She had a cute little laugh whenever he told a joke. Ty liked her. He liked her more than others, but he didn't like her like that. He liked her in a friendly way, though. After that date, Ty went on a few more with her, but he knew he was so wrong for that because he was only trying to get himself to like her. He just couldn't force himself, though. When she sat in his car awkwardly after one of the dates waiting for a kiss, that he wasn't going to give, he finally told her. He said that he didn't like her like that. He felt bad for taking her on so many dates when he really didn't share the same feelings, and if she hated him and didn't want to talk to him then it was okay. For a minute, she sat there. He knew he was about to get slapped yelled at or something. But, it never came. She nodded and she told him she understood. She even gave him a hug and said, "thank you." Ty felt horrible after that. But he still didn't like her like that. They went back to just seeing each other at school and talking only when they had lunch or a class together. It was almost like they never even had dates. So, Ty was sure she got over it. They still chatted but not too too much. Ty didn't exactly forget about her, but he didn't really think of her. 

"We'll hang out when I come back home," he said to her. But Samiyah will be with me, he thought to himself. 

"Yes, we will! We'll see movies, go to restaurants..." she rambled on about all the places they can go to that they went to before. All the places he'd take Samiyah to eventually. 

With Samiyah it was different. She needed something more. Maybe he liked working for that more. Maybe he felt like something that needed more thought and input was going to be something worthwhile. Samiyah was worthwhile. He knew that some man would be so lucky to have Naomi as his, that she'd be a wonderful wife someday, but she just wasn't for him. Samiyah was the one and he knew just like the Moon knew it loved the Earth.    

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