You're Heartbroken, Do Me A Favor

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Samiyah heard a knock at her door which she knew could only be from Ty. She went and opened the door to find him standing with his hands folded in front of him. She gave him an odd look.

"What'd you do?" she asked knowing he had to have done something she wouldn't have like.

"Why is it always me doing something?" he asked defensively.

"Hmm, I wonder the same thing." She crossed her arms. "What'd you do?"

Ty sighed. "Will is gonna break up with his fiance." Samiyah's eyes widened.

"How did you do that?" she asked.

"I didn't! He did that on his own."

Ty explained to Samiyah what happened when he went to the daycare. She had to admit, it was a bit heart touching but also heartbreaking. She touched the side of Ty's face.

"I'm sorry I blamed you," she said in her sweet, loving voice. Ty looked away. She grabbed his face and kissed his cheeks several times while saying, "I really really am!"

He gave in and kissed her back.

"I guess you didn't ask him about the kids," she assumed. "No, I didn't think it would be right to ask him about that when he was going through something."

"I'll talk to him tomorrow," she said.

Ty gave her a surprised expression. "I thought we didn't want to talk to the culprit."

"He's not having an affair with her. So we're good."

* * *

Samiyah entered the daycare and a young girl about 16 was at the desk.

"Are you here to pick up a kid?' the girl asked.

"Um no, I'm here to see Will," Samiyah said.

"Oh, are you Veronica?"

"Nooooo- I mean no. I'm a friend." The girl nodded and picked up the phone. She let the person on the other end know what was going on.

Samiyah sat down until she saw Will coming toward her. Will seemed to squint and start walking faster, but slowed down. He must've thought she was Jelena at first.

"Oh, hey. Ty was up here yesterday," Will said with his hands in his pocket.

"Yeah, I know. I sent him to ask you something but he told me about your situation."

Will nodded slowly putting his mouth into a straight line remembering his situation.

"So, what is it can I help you with?" he asked trying to look happy. Samiyah gave him a small smile for trying.

"Well, as you know we work at the nursing home. We wanted to see if you would let your kids join the residents maybe once a week. We think it would be really nice for the residents, especially those who don't have any visitors."

Will gave her an intrigued look. "That doesn't sound like too bad of an idea. I'll see if some of the kids' parents will let that happen. I'll get on that. Thank you, Samiyah, for that idea."

Samiyah was looking forward to setting this up with Ty and Will. She turned away to leave but turned back.

"Will," she called. He turned around and lifted an eyebrow.

"Are you okay?" she asked. He gave a side smile.

"Yeah, definitely," he said as if he finally realized it.

Samiyah left to go tell Ty the exciting news.

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