Souls Touch

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Ty had brought Samiyah to Everyday Living for the past two weeks to volunteer with him. She was such a good volunteer. She made sure all the residents were alright and talked to many of them about the news of the day and even learned how to play cards with them. She also did bingo which they loved. They loved Samiyah and even if she didn't want to admit it, she loved being there and she loved them.

She really did. She thought she hated nursing homes, and maybe she still did, but this one was different. The people were great, the energy was great. Everything was just so great. And when she bumped into Ty throughout the day, it was great too.

The women at the nursing home were always asking Samiyah what was going on with her and Ty.

"Nothing, nothing, nothing!" she said while brushing Mrs. Larne's hair one day. All the other women looked at her in disbelief. Some of them mmm-hmming.

She stopped and looked at them. "What? I'm serious. We're ... friends," she said realizing she was saying that with honesty for the first time.

"Everyone's friends at first," Ms. Sherry stated.

"Oh goodness," Samiyah dropped her head shaking it. "Not every friendship you have turns into a romantic relationship," Samiyah argued.

"Yes, but not every friendship is like yours," Mrs. Larne said.

"Like ours?" Samiyah asked confused as to what they were seeing that she wasn't.

They all threw their heads back and groaned. One of them said, "oh this child." And yet Samiyah still looked confused. She just truly didn't get it.

"The way Ty looks at you. The way you react when he touches you or even looks at you. The way your voices change when you're talking to each other. How playful you are with each other. Mmm... girl. You're in love with him."

Samiyah jerked her head back. "In love? Oh no, no! I am not in love with him. No," she put her finger up signaling for them to stop.

"Of course, I've been in love with her since I looked into her eyes," Ty said as if it were obvious. And it was. To everyone but Samiyah. Was she not feeling that love from him? How could she not?

"Then you need to tell her how you feel!" Benny said and the guys around him agreeing.

"But she's a realist. She thinks that everything has to be proven, she doesn't believe in fantasies, she doubts everything that is debatable. She takes the downside of every situation. It's hard to get through to her."

"Son, some women can be hard at first, but once you break the ice, their love is stronger than anything in the world," Mike stated.

"She loves me. I know she does. She's denying herself. That's why when I kissed her she looked surprised. She just didn't know what to do."

"Wait, you kissed her? When?" Benny asked.

Ty looked away embarrassed. "The first time I met her."

The guys all threw their heads back and groaned.

"Man, you can't do that! No wonder she's so hard on you. You got to take it easy," Kenny told him.

"You know how badly I wanted to kiss Beatrice when I first saw them round lips and curved hips? Badly! I didn't know, though. But the next week I had her attacking me with all the lovin'!" Elroy laughed out loudly.

"Look, kid love can be interesting. But it's nothing you can't handle. I think you should tell her," Benny told Ty putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

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