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It had been two weeks and Ty had not tried to talk to her at all. Samiyah had finally calmed down completely. That didn't mean Ty wasn't on her mind, though. He was definitely there.

"We're going out," Jelena said coming into her room with a fancy duffel bag. Samiyah looked at her, the bag, and then back at her.

"Going where?"

"Out! Now, put this on." Jelena handed her a yellow button down shirt and a blue skirt. "Put it on. I wanna see if I got the right size," Jelena said pushing her into the bathroom. Two minutes later, Samiyah was turning around for Jelena.

"Ah, this is lovely on you! This is definitely it," Jelena said showing much pride on her face. She straightened up her skirt a little bit and starting messing with her hair.

"Take this down!" She took out the hair tie holding Samiyah's curls in a bun. "Why do you always do this? Let your hair be free! You have beautiful hair. Look! We just add some water and a little moisturizer." She went to Samiyah's bathroom looking for hair products.

Samiyah sat down already exhausted from her sister. She could see this outing would be long. Jelena came back moving and yanking Samiyah's hair with her head all around.

"Look at yourself in the mirror. Look at how beautiful you are!" Jelena pushed her in front of the mirror. I wish she would stop pushing me! Samiyah thought to herself. She did look in the mirror, and she did like what she saw. She pushed her circular glasses up on her nose. She smiled and Jelena got excited. "You know you're beautiful!"

A car horn was honked outside. "Oh, there I am," Jelena said picking up her purse quickly. "Wait, what? I thought we were going out." Samiyah said confused.

"We are... just not with each other." Jelena smiled apologetically. "Here, put these on," she said throwing Samiyah some black flats. Jelena believed black flats went with everything.

Samiyah followed Jelena outside. She saw her brother-in-law's BMW. She waved to him politely but stared her sister down with knives.

Ty put on a blue button down and some khakis. He finished his outfit off with some brown dress shoes and a flat cap. He checked his phone clock for the time. 3:59. He opened the door and made his way across the street.

"Don't worry baby sis. Yours is gonna come too. I'll see you later alright?" Jelena waved and Samiyah stood in anger as her sister just left her. She turned to find worse coming her way. And based off the way he was dressed, he was coming for her.

"Oh gosh," she muttered under her breath. She immediately called her sister.

"No!" She said once she answered.

"Yes!" Jelena responded.

"I will not!"

"Yes, you will. Remember G-ma's?" Samiyah's eyes widened.

"Come on! I can do anything else you ask me to do."

"I choose, and I want this. I'll talk to you later. Bye!" She hung up before Samiyah could get out another word.

She crossed her arms. She saw Ty's stupid grin and was even angrier at all of them. Ty, her sister, her brother-in-law for taking her sister.

Ty loved seeing Samiyah in that outfit. He just hated to see her so upset. If he had to lie and say he was sorry he would just to see her calm down.


"No, you look," she cut him off which caught him off guard. In the past two weeks, she'd grown miles of confidence.

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