He Wants To What?

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After about a week, Ty was actually able to go home. He thanked God for that blessing. He left with minimal damage; only a broken arm. He smiled knowing Samiyah was going to be his nurse. She had already said she would be there to help Aunt Sandra and Ty's mom.

Ty sighed happily looking at Aunt Sandra's house from the car. His parents came to get him from the hospital. He wished Samiyah was there, but she promised she'd be at Aunt Sandra's when he got home.

He walked to the front door with his parents. He knew what was coming next because it was the cliche thing to do. Everyone's cliche deep down.

Ms. Betty, Benny, other residents, Will and the kids, Mr. and Mrs. Pearson, Jelena, Aunt Sandra, and Samiyah yelled surprise at him when he entered.

"Oh my gosh!" he held his hand over his heart. "I can't believe this."

Samiyah rolled her eyes knowing they weren't fooling him. She let him greet everyone else before going to him herself.

"I know this isn't the best time, but can I talk to you?" Samiyah heard a person from behind her say. Jelena.

"What's wrong?"

They went into the hall where no one could hear them.

"My marriage is on the rocks. Michael is noticing a shift in my behavior. I hadn't seen Will before the hospital, but seeing him after all these years... Samiyah I feel like my soul can't rest or something," she said with distress in her eyes. Samiyah just knew it was wrong if she saw Will while she was married.

"Jelena, you're married. You know I'm going to keep saying that. Why are you coming to me if you know that?"

"Because I thought you'd see things differently. You almost lost the love of your life. Your Soulmate! I thought maybe you'd have a different answer. I don't know."

Samiyah thought about what happened with Ty again. The memory pained her heart. The alternative to Ty's situation all but killed her just thinking about it.

Maybe she did feel bad for Jelena. That didn't change the fact that she was married.

"The other day, he told me that Will must've been something special to me. He knows," Jelena said

"He knows what, Jelena?"

"That I love Will."

The bathroom door opened and Will stepped out.

"I love you, too."

Samiyah left the hallway as soon as that was said. But as soon she left the hallway, she was pulled by somebody.

Ty was taking her toward the stairs. They headed up the stairs and down that hall. He opened the door and pushed her in.

She crossed her arms and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. 

He smiled at that. He reached her and pulled her close to him. They stayed that way for a while and he didn't mind at all.

"You were the first thing I saw when I woke up," he told her.

"I made sure of that."

He kissed her with so much passion. He was using all the energy he had to kiss the heck out of her.

When he was done, but of course not fully, she gasped for air.

"Ty, my goodness," she laughed. She took a step back but he grabbed her with that one good arm again.

"No, get over here," he said pulling her closer again.

Then she was getting attacked. She screeched from all the kisses he was giving her. She tried backing away but that boy was too strong even if he did have one broken arm.

"Ty, please!" she laughed.

He stole one last kiss on her lips and then bit them. Her mouth hung open in shock.

"It's a lot of people out there. I wanted to be alone with you," he said sitting on his bed.

She sat next to him. "I miss being with you by myself," she said, "I don't know how I'm gonna share you when we have kids."

"About that," Ty said looking at her intently. "We need to get married," he told her.

"Oh yeah, I definitely understand that. We aren't doing anything until we get married," she agreed or thought she was agreeing to something.

"No, like soon. We need to get married soon."

Her eyes widened and she stood.

"Soon? How soon, Ty?" she asked nervously.

"Like in the next year, or maybe two. I'll give you up to two years."

She looked at him like he was crazy. Two years wasn't even enough.

"Ty, we'll only be twenty. We don't have degrees or jobs."

"I'm getting a job soon, don't worry about it. I already know what I want to do."

"And what is that, Ty?"

"I'm gonna take coding classes. I'll code apps and websites. Then, with that money, I'll help pay for your college. Or you don't have to work. It doesn't matter." She knew then that was some serious wishful thinking.

"I'll open up my own facility where the elderly and children can come together," he continued. "I didn't truly know what I wanted until now. I always wanted to help people. And I've found those people. And I've found the woman I want to be with. God has blessed me so much Samiyah," the broken-armed boy said.

Deep down, Samiyah loved it. She loved the idea of being his wife; living with him, helping the young and old, all while going after her aspirations. It was a dream. A dream.

"But, Ty. Wouldn't it be better to wait till we're at least like, 25."

Now it was his turn to look at her like she was crazy.

"You want me to wait 7 years, for what? If I know I love you and you love me, why would I wait to marry you? Just to meet some number. How does society make sense of that? I'm not about to have husband benefits with 'boyfriend' as my title."

He stood and got closer to her. If he had to convince her like he convinced her that he loved her, he would. If she stood her ground, he would have no choice but to wait, but he wasn't going down without a fight.

"Samiyah, everything you do is a risk. I know that. Trust me, I know that. Going to get a belt is a risk."

She looked up at him. There was that belt thing again.

"But I don't care. I'm willing to take a risk. If I want to live, I have to take a risk."

She looked down and he lifted her chin up so she would look him in the eyes.

"I will take this risk with you because just like in stocks, high risk can give you high returns," he smirked. "I love you."

She wanted to marry him badly. Old doubtful Samiyah was trying to return. Risk.

"I love you. But, you don't even have a ring."

He went to his desk and got a sharpie. He took her and drew a ring around her ring finger.

"Now, you do. But you can't wash that hand."


"Alright, alright. But, I'm going to give you a ring. I got a year or two, remember?"

"No," she shook her head. He sighed disappointedly.

"Just a year."

He grinned and picked her up with her one good arm.

"Oh yeah, I'm gonna have to marry you if you can pick me up with one arm."

"And I'm gonna have to marry you if you keep tempting me to kiss you." 

He attacked her face with kisses again.

"Stop kissing me!" she said with frustration. So, he put her down. She held on to him.

"I was kidding, I was kidding, I was kidding."

"That's what I thought." 

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