Chapter one

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I was 14 when I wrote this book. It's under major editing going very slowly, but read it you want without further ado here is my book.

As Meia packs up and gets ready to leave her dorm for forever with her bachelor's and doctors degree in her hand she says Farwell to her college roomie Nayeli.

Meia: well bye Nayeli it was nice having you as a roomie for all these years.

Nayeli: bye meia hope you have fun in Cali (California) running your own business.

Meia: yes I can't wait it's about to be lit text you when I get their.

(1 hour later)

Meia gets in her Fiat 500 and drives all the way to California from Manhattan Kansas. It took her a wile but she wanted to drive.

(A lot of hours later)

Meia arrives in California she goes to her apartment she had rented and she goes up the stairs with her suit case in her hand and she sets her bag down by her door and unlocks the door and goes inside she goes straight to her bed and lays down she regrets driving all the way to California.

Sorry guys this my first time ever writing so please comment what I lack and what I am good at so my story's can get better and sorry if this chapter was so boring let's hope the next one is not so boring read to the next chapter to find out what's about to happen to Meia.....

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