Chapter 18

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Meias P.o.v

As I wake up I see the sunlight in my face then I think to myself and say oh snap I gotta pick Nayeli up today I need to get dress.

Meia gets up and she goes in the shower then she gets out brushes her teeth and don't put any makeup on she gets dress grabs her purse and keys gets in her car a leaves. Meia drives to the Korean store and gets Nayeli something to drink and eat since she likes Korean. she comes out and gets back in her car she drives 30 mins to the airport because she knew she was late, but she doesn't care because she told Nayeli she was gonna be late. She pulls up to the airport and she gets out she walks in the airport next to the Korean department drop off she waits there for 5 mins then she sees her best friend Nayeli she drops everything in her hand and she hugs Nayeli. They get out to the car and get in Meia starts the car and she drives away her and Nayeli starts talking.....

Nayeli: So Meia about this boy Adym?

Meia: Yes, What about him?

Nayeli: So are you two alright or what?

Meia: Yeah we good we made up that day! (Meia laughs)

Nayeli: What do you mean made up like how? Sex?

Meia: Ummm No maybe kind of

Nayeli: Meia what do you kind of?

Meia: We did not have actual intercourse we kind of

Nayeli: Meia if you say kind of you and him having sex one more time imma punch you in the throat!!!

Meia: Ok damn Nayeli and to answer your question we did not have sex!

Nayeli: good for you wait until marriage

Meia: oh hell yeah I told him I was waiting until marriage anyways

Nayeli: good set your boundaries

Nayeli: and I would have chopped Adyms off! How big is his dick?

Meia: You do not want to know you could not take it as I do

Nayeli: Oh damn his dick must be big then, how long?

Meia: 10 inches girl you just do not know

Nayeli: Damn how do you take that? Bitch you crazy

Meia: I know the biggest dick I have ever had before it is hard when I be giving him a blowjob girl.

Nayeli: damn ok off the subjects of dicks! How have you been and the business?

Meia: Oh, it has been good actually and I have been good too. Loving it here in California, How have you been?

Nayeli: Good I got someone to sign my music business is taking off

Meia: Oh, that is good

Nayeli: I know

Meia: Ok Nayeli we are here

Meia and Nayeli gets out of the car and walks up the stairs to her house and out comes Adym from his house.

Adym: Hey babe is this your friend

Meia: Hey daddy

(She gives Adym a hug and a kiss)

Nayeli: (Clears her throat)

Meia: Oh, sorry Nayeli, Adym this is Nayeli my Best friend from Korea the Music Producer and Nayeli this is Adym my lover

Adym: (clears his throat) I am her boyfriend

Meia: Yes and my annoying boyfriend

Nayeli: Oh, so you are the one who was caught kissing that waiter on your first date with my sister/ best friend and she just had sucked your dick.

Meia: Nayeli Shhhh

Adym: Umm sorry the waiter kissed me first and I told Meia I was sorry and we made up.

Nayeli: I do not give a shit you break my best friend heart one more time and you are not going to have a heart you hear me you little bitch


Adym: Damn girl ok I get you, Meia you got a good best friend.

Nayeli: I know

Meia: Yeah I do

Adym walks over to his door and he is about to go in he stops and he comes back out he hurries up and grabs Meia and kisses her he lets her go then ask, Hey Meia and Nayeli want to go to a party tonight? Meia looked at Nayeli and Nayeli looked at Meia and said yes. Meia and Nayeli walks in Meia's house and goes and watch some Korean Dramas, They are both excited because they both know Korean and they don't need English subtitles they watch them for the rest of the day till the party.

As it comes closer to the hour Meia and Nayeli both take showers and do their makeup, brushes their teeth, do their hair, and then gets dress they both wear the same outfit. their olive oil colored t-shirt dresses with their chokers and black converse with their matching black bracelets they both grab their phones and puts some money in their braw Meia grabs her keys and they walk outside and Meia goes and knocks on Adyms door and he opens it he sees Meia and Nayeli are matching and Adym says.

Adym: Twinzzies

Meia: I know we looking Sexy out here

Nayeli: I know right Imma cop me somebody tonight

Meia: Ok you need to lol

As they walk in Nayeli sees David and she is shocked to see him it was her old high school crush and they never dated, but they liked each other. Then Meia sees David and she turns to Nayeli and smile and they go sit down.



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