Chapter 43

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Recap of what happened

Meias P.O.V.

10 mins past and I decided that was enough time for the test to sit so I can get my results I then went back to the bathroom and looked at the test and it had said........PREGNANT I then dropped the test and started crying I then ran out the bathroom and went to the front room to grab another test I then went back to the bathroom and started to pee on the test I then got done and waited another 10 mins later I checked the test and it had said PREGNANT I then got the rest of the test and peed on all of then after 1 hour I looked at the tests and they had all said PREGNANT I then took all of the test and I put then in their cap and put them in a zip lock bag and put them in the bathroom bottom cabnient in my curling iron box and I closed the box.

2 hours later

I wasn't sure what I was going to do I wasn't going to tell Adym until I was sure and I went to the doctor and they told me I was pregnant. I then got my phone and I called the doctor.

.....Dialing number.......

Meia: Hello I called to make an appoitment

Doctor: Yes, what is this appoitment for?

Meia: I need to know if I'm pregnant or not

Doctor: Can you come in tomorrow? and 9:00

Meia: Yes!

Doctor: Ok have a nice day see you tomorrow

Meia: Thank you very much

Doctor: You are welcome

(Meia then hung up)

I then shut my phone off since I didn't want to talk to anyone and I shut all my lights off in my house and I locked my door even the top latch I then went to my room and laid down and started crying.

30 mins later

Adyms P.O.V.

I was trying to call Meia and it kept sending me to voicemail I then got up and took a shower and got dressed I recordered a video and after I was done I tried to call Meia again and it sent me to voicemail again I then grabbed my keys and told Sawyer bye I then walked out to my car and got in.

20 mins later

Adyms P.O.V.

As I arrived at Meias job I got out of the car and I walked up to Meias clinic I then got out of my car and went inside I then asked the assisstant if I could see Meia the assisstant then said Meia wasn't there I then said OK I walked out of the clinic and saw Meias car wasn't there I then got back into my car.

25 mins later

Adyms P.O.V.

I then arrived at Meias apartment I then walked up to her door and I unlocked it with the key she gave me I then tried to open the door it opened, but she had her latch on and she never has her latch on I then said

Adym: Meia are you in there?

Meias P.O.V.

As I continued to cry I heard Adym say

Adym: Meia are you in there?

I didn't say anything

Adym: Meia I know your in there please open up

Meia: Oh here I come I was in the bathroom

I then got up from my bed and went to the bathroom and got some kleenxes and I blew my nose and I wiped my face I then flushed the toilet to act like I was in the bathroom I then walked to the door and undid the latch Adym had then came in and opened the curtains and we walked over to the couch, he then said

Adym: Why aren't you at work?

Meia: I felt sick and I had to stay home

Adym: Why didn't you text me I could have bought you some medicine?

Meia: Oh it's ok I don't like to take medicine when I'm sick only if I really need it I usually let the sickness go away naturally

Adym: I tried to call you a couple times

Meia: Oh I turned my phone off I don't feel like talking to anyone

Adym: What if I was dying?

Meia: I would have came to your funeral

Adym: Meia thats not funny

Meia: What I'm telling the truth (she said laughing)

Adym: You want to go lay down?

Meia: Yeah sure, can we cuddle?

Adym: Yeah just for my sick baby

Meia: If you don't want to get sick then we don't have to cuddle

Adym: Meia it's fine if I get sick then we both will be sick were are going to get through this sickness together thats what we do

He then kissed Meia, Meia then got up from the couch and she almost fell over Adym then picked Meia up and carried her bridal style to her bed he then laid her down and grabbed the remote he then asked her what she wanted to watch and she said pitch perfect he then found pitch perfect and he turned it on as the movie was playing Meia was singing along with all the songs that came on by the end of the movie she was sleep in Adyms arms like a baby and he was hugging her tight he then turned on another movie and he fell asleep.

#Lastfam this chapter is crazy and sweet at the same time

I love yall thanks for all the reads and don't forget to vote or comment 

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