Chapter 44

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Meias P.O.V.

As I woke up I had thrown up once again I then got up from Adyms arms and I rushed to the toilet 5 mins later I was finally done throwing up Adym had then came in the bathroom and saw me throwing up he then came over to where I was and patted my back I then asked him

Meia: Adym what time is it?

Adym: Um let me go check

Adym then removed his hand from my back and he went towards his phone he then yelled from the room

Adym: 7:30

Meia: Ok thanks, can you call my assistant and tell her I'm still sick

Adym: Anything for your babe

Meia: Thanks babe

Adym: No problem

I then got up from the toilet and I went to the bathroom sink and I started to brush my teeth after I was done I took another shower I washed my face and cleaned my ears I then did my makeup, and hair after I was done I came out of the bathroom and I got some clothes Adym had then said

Adym: Where you going babe looking sexy while you're sick?

Meia: Going to the doctor

Adym: Ok want me to come?

Meia: No your good stay here

Adym: Ok babe

I then took all my PJs off and I put on my white and black flannel with my black pants and my white huaraches after I was done I grabbed my purse and my keys said bye to Adym and left.

30 mins later

Meias P.O.V.

As I arrived at the hospital I got out of my car and walked in I then went to the front desk and I asked for the doctor and told them I had an appointment the then said she is with a patient and she would be out in 10 mins I said ok and went to sit down.

10 mins later

Meias P.O.V.

The assistant had finally called my name and I got up and walked through the door with the doctor as we were walking it was silent, but as we got into the room we started to talk

Doctor: Hello my name is Dr. Smith

Meia: Hello my name is Meia

Dr. S: So you want to know if your pregnant or not?

Meia: Yes

Dr.S: Why do you think you're pregnant?
Meia: I've been throwing up a lot lately and my boyfriend and I had sex about a month ago and we didn't use protection for the first time and him......and now I feel sick.

Dr. S: Does your boyfriend know yours here?

Meia: No he doesn't I don't want to tell him until I'm sure

Dr.S: So what if you are?, How will you tell him?

Meia: If I am I will be happy for what God gave me and I will tell him face to face in a normal and calm way

Dr.S: Do you want this baby?

Meia: I mean I want kids, but I'm 22 and I really don't need kids right now

Dr.S: So if you are pregnant you're going to get an abortion?

Meia: No I will not get an abortion god gave me this baby and I'm going to keep it if he wants to take the baby he will do it naturally

Dr.S: What if your boyfriend is not ready?

Meia: Then I will raise this baby on my own and or I will find a new man who will accept me and my baby

Dr.S: So are you ready to see if you are pregnant?

Meia: Yes

Dr.S: Ok we are going to give you a pregnancy test and in 20 mins you will find out

Meia: Ok sounds good

Dr.Smith then walked out the room and 5 mins later she came in with a pregnancy test she then handed the test to Meia, Meia then got up from the bed and went to the bathroom Dr.Smith then walked out of the room and waited for Meia.

20 mins later

Meias P.O.V.

As I was done with the test I waited for 20 mins as I was waiting I checked all my social media and just for fun, I looked up some baby names and ways to tell your boyfriend your pregnant. 5 mins later Dr. Smith had finally come in and she had a piece of paper in her hand she then sat down on the chair across from me she then said

Dr.Smith: Meia your results came back and it said.......

#Lastfam this chapter is lit

I left you guys on a cliff hanger

Thanks for all the reads and I hope yall had an amazing day and don't forget to vote or comment.    

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