Chapter 51

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Recap of what happened
I knew I had to lie I couldn't her I was getting her an engagement ring she then would know I was proposing.............

Adyms P.O.V.

I had then decided to text her back and said

Adym: Oh I was at the house with Sawyer. Since we haven't hung out in a couple of days. And you specifically told me to leave you alone when you got in the shower, so not knowing where I was at is all your fault.

Meia: K

Adym: Really one word response

Meia: K😐

Adym: Babe?

Meia: What?

Adym: I love you don't forget that

Meia: I love you too and I never forget that you love me. And you don't forget that I love you

Adym: I will never forget that you love me, babe. Ttyl

Meia: Ttyl

I was for sure that I wanted to marry her. Even when she was mad at me I always know how make her happy. She brightens my day. I'm so happy she's having my baby..... Well our baby. She let me take her virginity. We got through hard time together. Even though I have only know her for almost year it feels like I have known her for my whole life. And that what's makes me want her more. And I just don't want her as my girlfriend I want her as my wife.

After I collected my few thoughts about her I stated up my car and drive back to my new apartment.

20 mins later

I arrived back at the house and saw Sawyer and I told him to meet me in the frontroom. I sat down on the couch and waited like 2 mins before he came back out. He sat down on the couch and I began to talk to him.

Adym: Hey, Sawyer I got something to tell you.

Sawyer: What?

Adym: Meia is pregnant

Sawyer: Damn I thought I wouldn't hear that from you in a long time

Adym: I thought so too, but I love her and she loves me so I'm happy

Sawyer: As long as your happy I'm happy for you bro. At least you know she's yours now

Adym: And I'm going to propose to her

Sawyer: Now that really makes her yours. Are you sure?

Adym: Yeah man, I mean I love her and I want to be with her.

Sawyer: Ok I'm here for you

Adym: Thanks bro

Sawyer: Anytime

Me and Sawyer decided to hang out for a couple of hours.

Couple hours later

I had then got back to Meias house and saw she was already home she had the said

Meia: Hey babe. How was hanging out with Sawyer?

Adym: Fun I guess. How was work?

Meia: Good, I had to put a dog down today he was 20 years old it was his time to go he was suffering and his owner didn't want him to suffer anymore so......yeah.....

Adym: Oh that's sad babe

Meia: I know right

Meia: Well no more sad talk I'm ready to go to sleep

Adym: Me too. You hungry?

Meia: Nawww I'm good I ate already. You?

Adym: Nope was just wondering if you were

Adym: Well I'm about to go change and brush my teeth

Meia: Ok I'll be in there let me tidy up in here

Adym: Ok

I then walked into Meias room and into the bathroom and pulled my toothbrush. I put the toothpaste on my toothbrush. I put the toothbrush in my mouth a began brushing my teeth.

As I was spitting out the last of the toothpaste in my mouth Meia had come into the bathroom and did the same process as me. I walked out the bathroom and went to one of the drawers Meia had gave me and pulled out my shorts and my red shirt. I unchanged from my clothes I had on a put on the stuff I just grabbed out. As I was done putting on my shirt Meia came out the bathroom and she went to her closet and pulled out a nude t-shirt dress. She undressed from her pants then her shirt then her pants. She took her bra off and left her panties on. She turned around put the clothes in the dirty hamper basket she looked up and then said.

Meia: Adym were you watching me when I was getting undressed. She said walking over to the dresser.

Adym: Maybe.....Maybe Not. He said walking over to the made bed and moving the covers back.

Meia: Well did you like what you see? She said putting her earrings in her basket and walking over to her side of the bed and getting under the covers.

Adym: Duh babe. Why wouldn't I? He said getting closer to Meia in the bed

Meia: I don't know. Just asking. She said getting closer to Adym

Adym: Babe I will always Love--Your--Body. He said kissing her in between each word.

Meia: Thanks. She said wrapping her arms around his neck

As Meia hands were wrapped around my neck I the room the chance to put my hand on her butt. She flinched when my hands met her but and I squeezed she then said.

Meia: Adymmmmmm Stooop that tickles

Adym: Sorry I just like your butt

Meia: Thanks

I the moved my hands from her butt to her face and pulled her close and began kissing her. Which turned into a quick make out after like 3 mins of making out I finally pulled away and said

Adym: Lets stop before this leads to something more

Meia: Agree. Still sore

Adym: I feel alright

Meia: Well your not the one who's getting a big dick stuck in you. Are you?

Adym: No and I hope not to. He said laughing

Meia: Shut up. She said laughing and kissing him one last time before she turned around the opposite way.

I got up front the bed and went to turn the light off. Once I did I got back in bed I pulled Meia close. She turned around and kissed me one last time before she nuzzled her head into my chest and closed her eyes.

I love y'all #Lastfam y'all keep me going and pleas don't forget to Vote or Comment I would appreciate.

Oh and I would like to know how y'all day was comment down below. Or just share something exciting.

Anyways without further a do a couple more chapters and this book will be done, but I promise y'all a SEQUEL.

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