Part 1

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Well. Today was the day. It was (y/n) (l/n)'s first day on the job at project freelancer. Yes, she may have been a little late to the party, but her resume was packed with a variety of skill sets. Former head medical officer on the A.M.S, history in several areas of engineering and exceptional combat evaluation scores. The project couldn't help but hire her.


     (L/n) sighed sitting alone in the bay of the pelican. The ship jutted and jerked as it moved, finally docking after a long trip. The payload door opened, letting the light from the ship in.
(L/n) squinted, standing up to step out.
The girl was greeted by the loud commotion that was going on inside the hangar. Pelicans moving in and out, people shuffling and working. (L/n) looked around, the walls were decaled with the words Project Freelancer: Mother Of Invention.

"Ah, I see you are the new member." A man spoke up, gesturing to her. He spoke in a slow and articulate voice. "If you would, follow me. The director is expecting you."

The girl nodded and grabbed her things, following the man out of the main hangar. She wasn't necessarily one to just blindly follow someone, but until she got settled in at the project she'd have to be pretty obedient. She walked with him down a series of halls, "and who might you be, if I'm allowed to ask..?" She questioned, still taking in her surroundings.
She was led into a large office, and the door was shut behind her.
"I am the counselor for the staff here, mainly for the agents." He replied. Soon after he did, a tall man walked in and stood in front of the office desk. He brushed the counselor away with a flick of his hand, before directing his attention to the girl in front of him. A look on interest filled his eyes.
     "Ah, Welcome, (L/N)." He greeted in a stern, unchanging tone. "I am the director of operations for Project Freelancer. Glad to see you got here safely"
     The girl nodded, standing more at attention than before. "Thank you, sir."

     The director acknowledged, and then began to speak of what was to be done at the project.
     "This project, as you may know, is focused on the growth and prosperity of humanity. Therefore, You will be evaluated for your skill set and mental stability. Immediately following, you will be assigned your rank and codename." He explained to the soldier. "All of which will be crucial to our studies here... For now head to the armory. You'll be supplied with everything you need to prepare for your evaluation." He informed.
     The counselor motioned from his spot near the door for the female soldier to follow him. She took a moment, and then soon made her way to the door. As she left, the director's voice rang one more time.
     "I've seen your records, (L/N). I'm looking forward to your performance." He said grimly.


     "Agent evaluation in progress, all other personnel please clear the floor." The automatic voice called over the intercom. The surplus of workers that occupied the area all complied, dispersing rather quickly.

(L/n) walked to her prep station, a table that had been presented to her with an expansive assortment of weapons. She took a few of which could be of use of her. A DMR, Assault knives, and a battle rifle, all she stowed away in their holsters until she would need them.
Immediately, she was sent into physical evaluation. She made her way to the middle of the floor; The simulation ran. It started out with simple target practice; she passed through with ease. It wasn't anything but expected of her; she had always been a good shot and skilled in most ranges.

Next was hand to hand evaluation. The floor shifted, and the targets and other simulation equipment was put away. The floor became clear as the counselor prepared to run the next evaluation. He leaned forwards, ready to begin the test, but suddenly he was halted my a raise of the director's hand. He looked to his superior, the taller man had a contemplative look on his face.
"Have them call in Five and Six." He spoke lowly. He stared down at the soldier from the observation deck.
The counselor craned his neck towards the man with a look of protest. "But sir that violates a safety protocol-"
"Shut up and do it counselor." The director cut him off, "If this project wants to get anywhere we need the most accurate data possible. I want to evaluate her full capabilities."

A moment passed, and the counselor complied. A comment was made over the intercom and soon, two soldiers in white armor walked into the training area. They and (l/n) were instructed to relieve themselves of all weapons, and then prepare for hand to hand combat.
They were given three seconds count.


The two soldiers rushed towards (l/n). She dodged one and turned, punching the other with enough built momentum to knock him back and into the ground. She knew the other was behind still her, and so she turned back quickly, raising her fists to block herself from any incoming attacks. The soldier took a swing, and she blocked it, grabbing his arm and yanking him towards her. He stumbled, and (l/n) used this chance to land a hit, kneeing the taller soldier in the stomach. The other jumped her from behind. The girl did her best to block herself before ducking back and out of the way. She could feel herself losing control the situation, and so she grabbed hold of the attacking soldier's arm and twisted it back. He was immobilized.
The taller soldier growled making and advance towards the girl, but she used her captive soldier as a barrier. The attacker stepped to the side, and so did she. He huffed in frustration.
(L/n) smirked under her helmet. After a moment of toying with the taller male, she had caught her breath. She released the soldier she had held captive only to plant her foot in the middle of his back. He fell forwards and into the other soldier; the two both went down.
     The one on the bottom let out a low, angered groan, pushing the smaller soldier off of him and sitting up. He pushed his way up to his feet, and growled, rushing towards (l/n). He raised his fist and took a swing at her, but just as he did a loud buzzer went off. (L/n) raised her arms to block herself but the brute force of the other soldier still managed to knock her back. She hit the steel floor, and huffed in defeat, sitting up. The time had run out. That was the end of her evaluation.
     The director came in over the intercom, speaking sternly "that'll be all, agents"

Edited. Hey remember when I said I was going to make this book better? Just now started. Enjoy!

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