Part 25

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"I'll take watch" you said as you walked past the grey and yellow soldier. You walked to a ledge slightly above the main trail and decided it be a good place to sit. You sighed and stared at the ground.

[you ok?]
I've been better.
It's not every day you reunite with a close friend just for them to tell you that all of your other friends are dead and you're in danger.
[yeah I don't know how to help with that]
It's fine.. I'm trying not to let it sink in...

"Hey" wash said as he stood next to you. "You sure you wanna take watch?"

"Wow do you not trust me?"

"No, that's not what I meant. I just-"

"I know" you laughed. "But yeah. I'm fine with it." You looked to the ground for a moment.

"Mind if I join you then..?" He asked and waited for approval.

You shrugged and gestured to the ground beside you, "knock yourself out"

He sat beside you and looked around. There wasn't much to look at but cliffs and sand, maybe a couple trees here and there.

"So. How's being a recovery agent" you asked, trying to make conversation. "I'm going to guess and say it sucks"

"That's pretty accurate.." he sighed, "it's a lot of running from place to place but it could be worse... how's your... job..?" He asked.

"Well..." you hummed, "its.. eventful..?" Your tone was unsure.

He looked over to you. "Is that the 6 years worth of bull?"


"We've got time right now if you wanna explain.. I'm still in the dark about everything since you've left"

You sighed and shook your head, "ugh I don't know... it's a lot-"

"It's fine" he assured.

You sighed and looked up at the sky. You've never really replayed everything before and you knew you'd probably sound crazy. "Well it started with that mission that I was sent on instead of the group one."

He hummed in acknowledgement.

"I was sent to bloodgulch with set teams that were meant to be at a stalemate. It was weird... they never really told me what to do there, they just sent me off. I never spoke to project Freelancer again."

"So what happened while you were there?"

You took a breath, mostly to keep from a nervous laugh, "well... a lot of team killing.. and then.. people coming back to life.."

"Wait what?"

"Trust me it happened. Church died.. twice? I think. And then Tex died once..? and came back and then her ship blew up... I don't remember all the fine details but I have it logged."

Wash didn't say anything but looked very confused.

"There was a Spanish speaking robot named Lopez who said the funniest things since nobody understood him"

"But you did?"

"I'm bilingual, remember?"

"Oh yeah.. I forgot"

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