Part 22

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Whelp.. This book would've had at least 100 chapters is I kept going with the entire storyline lol. AND ALSO SORRY IN ADVANCE BC I JUST WANTED TO BE DONE.

It's been about 3 months since Texas died. Not very much has happened. Tucker called for a medic that never showed up and you were stuck trying to get church's new body out of Spanish mode. You could've done it quickly but it seemed to be better to draw things out a bit.

The same goes for fixing the tank. After seeing you help out with it the first time the blues made you go out and fix it again. Once again you took your time. The teams are supposed to be neutral so you didn't want to have one side be to powerful, even if it was your side.

[(y/n) I'm receiving outside transmissions]
You're what?!
[dont get your hopes up, it seems to be from that medic tucker called in]
Wow, why even show up this late?

You stood up from the tank and watched as a purple soldier walked over to the blues over by the base. It wasn't more than 10 seconds before there was yelling so you walked over to check out they situation. There was way too much bickering going on to just casually ask what was going on.

You walked up in the middle of the 4 soldiers and interrupted them all. "Hey, hey! Church, what are you yelling about? And you, you need to tell me who you are and why you're even here" you said as you turned to the purple soldier.

"No need to yell ma'am my name is Dufresne. I was sent here as a medic" he said in an almost scared tone.

"Yeah I know you're the medic, what are you doing here when we called you three months ago?"

"I came as quickly as a could. I was told about the loss and I'm sorry. Now if you would allow, I should run a medical evaluation on you and the others since I'm here"

[running background check]
[yeesh, how is this guy even a medic]
Well it's for sim troopers.. they wouldn't waste money on actual medical officers.

"-Do whatever you want to these guys but I don't need a check up."

"It's just a standard check up, I highly suggest-"

"Look, I don't care" you interrupted, "I used to be a doctor I think I know whether or not something wrong."

"Wait- really?" Church cut in.

"Yeah?" You said.

"Why the hell wouldn't you tell us that?!?!" He yelled.

"You never asked" you shrugged.

"Well we could've used you when, ya know, I DIED?!"

"Yeah I don't think I can cure that"

"Well is there anything else you're hiding from us?" Tucker asked.

"Woah woah wait. There's a difference between hiding something and not being asked to say something."

"Well then let me ask. What else haven't you told us?" Church asked, extremely annoyed.

Should I tell them or wait?
Quit doing that!
Wow you're a great help.
Ya know what, imma tell them. Who cares anymore.

"I'm a freelancer" you said bluntly.

"wHaT?!" Church yelled, seeming mad.

"You didn't know that?" Caboose cut in almost cutting the enraged soldier off.

"You did?" You, Tucker and church all asked in unison. "Who told you??" You added.

"Ah you know, the little people that talk in the back of my head" he responded.

Everyone stood in a confused silence. After a moment church turned back to you and continued to talk, just ignoring everything caboose said.

"Uhm ok, but why did you not say anything?! We could've been done with this war if we knew!"

"Hey, I had orders. There's nothing I could've done" You replied.

"AGH, I could just kill you right now!"

"Haha I doubt it..."


After quite a long argument everyone finally settled down. After revealing your secrets, or at least some of them, you headed inside the base hearing that the medic was going to red base. You were fine with this of course, one less person to deal with.

[wow, alpha was pretty mean]
Ha, you're just noticing?

Church stomped into the base after a few minutes of talking with tucker and ignoring caboose. "So wait, did you and Tex know each other?"

You looked up and over to him and sighed in annoyance, "yes church. I was one of the few that actually got to know your dead girlfriend that you're obsessed with"

"Well no need to be an ass about it"

"Says the guy who was screaming at me earlier for just doing my job"

"Why was your job to sit there and let us get killed?!"

"Why are you asking me, I never wanted this job I wanted to be with my friends!" You yelled, "but here I am.."

"Glad to see how much you love us"

"Oh come on you hate these guys more than I do"


You sighed and stood up from your chair, walking past the blue soldier.
"I'm going to fix the tank so somebody will get blown up again and we end up having to do some idiotic stuff like always."

"Oh come on that'll never happen!"

Boi was he wrong.

OK SO TIME SKIP IS HAPPENING. (Sorry for this piece of crap chapter it's all over the place) ALL THAT WILL BE SKIPPED IS BASICALLY SEASONS 2-5 SO WE CAN GET TO MORE PLOT AND YAY.

Okay I'm sorry for this chapter again. But PLOT. I needed PLOT. So yeah.

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