Part 27

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"Are you kidding me?!"

"(N/n), listen-"

"What's with this 'you're not coming with me' crap?!"

Wash sighed taking one of the hands you were waving around in your anger to get you to look at him. "(N/n), you already agreed to the plan"

"What, you mean the plan where we go into freelancer to get 'alpha' even though you and I both know that he's not there." you said, frustration clearly showing in your voice.

You had explained to him everything about your old 'mission' and alpha, but he still wanted to go through with the plan. His logic wasn't anything that made sense and all it did was remind you of when the director first assigned you to bloodgulch. You were left in the dark.

"No, the one where I go into freelancer and you stay with the reds and blues to make sure they don't screw anything up." He replied trying to keep himself from getting frustrated too.

You shot him a glare through your visor. After all this time apart you'd think he'd want you to help him, but no. "Fine, leave me with the babysitting. I see how it is" you huffed.

"Don't be like that-"

"Like what? I'm great, I don't care at all" you cut him off. "Just go do your work, I'll stay here" you said and began to walk away.

[You're overreacting a little...]
I'm just sick of being treated like I can't do anything. It sucks.
[I know..]
[Just wait for now..]

~a few months later~

"I want. To die."

"Uhh! (L/n)! There's a chance that I may have done the thing again that you told me not to do again..!"

Oh he did not.
[dont kill him]

"Caboose, if I turn around and the base is on fire I'll-"

Shut up

"-I'll.. take away your cookies for the rest of the week!" You yelled not looking over your shoulder yet.

"Then.. um. Maybe give me a couple of minutes or two." Caboose said, making a lot of noise as he fumbled around with something inside the base.

You turned around already knowing what you would find. The inside of the base was already going in up in flames for at least the fifth time this week. You groaned before heading inside to extinguish it and discuss with the blue soldier that he was not supposed to mess with the a.i. unit anymore.

This wasn't the first time you caught caboose messing with the thing. Ever since the blue team had been splintered, and with wash being gone, you had been stuck with him and all he seemed to do was poke around at the unit.

Other than that things have been sorta normal. Horrible, boring, idiotic, and normal. You're trapped in a canyon, what's new? But the only main difference is that for once, you're basically in power. Without church and Tucker around the only person on your team to oppose you is caboose, and he'll pretty much do whatever you say if you offer him a snack. As for the reds, you knew you could handle them.


"Ok boys. We need to come up with a plan to eradicate the bluetards on the other side of this here canyon." Sarge huffed.

"Well" simons said. "There's just two people, it shouldn't be that har-"

"Attention blue team! this is the Red team!
We are here to destroy you! The long reign of being the worst team around is about to come a sudden cataclysmic end! This is your one chance to surrender!" Sarge yelled, climbing up a nearby cliff to get a better view of blue base.

Grif groaned and followed him up the cliff. "This is never going to work. This is so stupid"

"What did you say private?" Sarge scowled.

"I think your strategy is great sir" Simmons interrupted.

"Yes, simons. Yes it is."

"Kiss-ass.." grif scoffed.

"Hey guys"

The three jumped at the unfamiliar voice behind them. Sarge turned around quickly, shotgun in hand.

"Reach for the sky, blue!" He yelled pointing his gun at you.

"Go ahead and shoot me, I dare you" you replied in a sarcastic tone.

Grif and Simmons looked to each other with a confused expression.

"Um, sarge I don't know if that's a good idea" Simmons spoke.

"Shut up, Simmons" you and sarge both commanded. Sarge heard you and turned his attention back to you.

"What are you doing here, (c/n)" grif asked, uninterested.

You shrugged and crossed your arms. "None of your business.. what are you guys doing anyways?"

"Planning to destroy blue base" grif shrugged.

"of course you are." You huffed. "It's kind of pointless but go ahead. I don't care" you said as you turned over your shoulder and began walking away.

The three looked at each other confused.

"So you surrender!" Sarge insisted.

"Ha, you wish!" You yelled and continued on your path.

They watched you leave before Simmons finally spoke up, "Uh, sir. I think she's heading towards our base" he said.

"That dastardly blue..."


God this crap is heavy
[then why'd you steal so much?]
Because, the reds somehow got all the good equipment and we need it.
[for what, exactly..?]
I dunno, caboose is just messing with that ai unit.
[i don't know if he should be doing that by the way...]
[and I thought you told him not to?]
as it keeps him quiet, then I don't really care what he does anymore...

"Caboose, I've got some more supplies for you." You called as you walked into blue base. You made your way to the main hall, confused by the lack of a response.

"Caboose?" You called before finally finding him. "What are you- why is Donut here??"

"He is trying to talk to me about this and!" Caboose yelled.

You gave him a weird look, "this and what?"

"I don't know, he won't tell me!"

"Jesus Christ, Caboose..."

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