Chapter 32

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"(N/n), run!"

You didn't think twice, you didn't even need wash to tell you. You were already on your feet and trying to make distance between yourself and the white soldier.He had seen your ai up close, and you could almost see the desire for it through his visor. As he chased after you.

He lunged at you, knocking you down before you could react. You gasped and pried him off of you with your foot before stumbling to your feet. He ran at you again but you knocked him back. He growled and took a swing, thrusting you to the ground and knocking the wind out of your lungs. Your chest filled with fear for what would come next, but surprisingly nothing seemed to happen. You looked up and saw that Wash had distracted him, and was fighting him off while you regained your composure. Maine took several hits but kept on going, firing his brute shot at wash and knocking him off his feet.

"Wash!" You heard yourself yell before you even realized you were the one yelling it. Maine turned towards you and reloaded, and the sense of fear set in once again as he came running towards you.
You gasped and ducked out of the way, kicking him in the back causing him to stumble. He growled and turned back around, taking several swings at You. You managed to block most of the attacks, pulling out your knife and taking a few swings at the soldier to try and hamper his strength. You blocked another attack with your knife, getting it lodged in the man's gauntlet. Switching to your pistol, you kicked the soldier back before firing at him several times. He took a few hits but leaped out of the way, turning on his active camouflage to avoid any more attacks.

Shit! Zeta where is he?!
[to your left!]

You quickly ducked as the soldier swung the blade of his weapon near your head. You stood up quickly but he beat you to the punch, kicking you into the snow. You coughed and looked up as he sliced at you again, but as his blade grew only inches from your chest your armor flickered and you appeared behind him.

"Agh- Ow.." you groaned as your knees bent beneath you. Your breath hitched as you coughed and tried to get the pain in your whole body to fade. Your unit was trashed, using it was not a good idea.
Maine growled seeing you on the ground. He holstered his weapon and stepped over to you menacingly. You managed to look up, seeing the soldier approaching. You fumbled to try and get up but your body wouldn't cooperate. You pushed yourself away from him but it was no use, he reached down and grabbed you roughly from your neck. You gasped as his hand tightened around your throat.

"M-Maine-..! St- op" you choked as you tried to pry his hand away. You fumbled, looking for your gun but it wasn't with you, you had lost it during your fight. You raised your gaze to the soldier, your friend. Even through his helmet you could see the cold expression he was bearing. This wasn't him. This wasn't the soldier you knew. It never was. Your vision grew spotty as your air supply dwindled. You could feel the soldier dig his fingers into the back of your neck, looking for something. But before he could continue a grenade landed only a few feet away.


The meta looked down to the grenade and then back up to you, before dropping you to the ground and leaping out of the way. You gasped for breath as you hit the snow, but it was quickly knocked away as the grenade went off, catching you just enough in its blast to push you back a few feet. You yelled in pain as explosion occurred, but directly after, you felt nothing. The pain surging through you faded, and slowly, you senses began to as well.

Zeta appeared in your cracked visor, shouting something, but you couldn't focus on him long enough to understand. There was fighting still going on, you could feel the vibrations in your chest from the explosives. But you couldn't see any of it, you couldn't move. Slowly, your vision faded to black.


"-n) .. up!"
"(N/n) please!"

The shouting of one, no, two soldiers filled your ears. The were yelling someone's name. Yours? Your eyes opened slowly, your vision blurred and sensitive. Suddenly, you gasped before coughing roughly. You felt and hand push you over into your side as your coughing fit continued. A sigh of relief was heard as you struggled to catch your breath. Once your fit stopped you let yourself fall back into the snow, exhaustedly.

"Oh thank god."
"Hey, you alright?"

You tired to speak but your voice strained, you felt a sharp pain and coughed once again. You shook your head as you tried to push yourself up, a hand pressed against your back to help you.
Your breathing was heavy and strained, but finally you gained enough air to focus. You glanced up finding doc and wash at your side. The both seemed to be really worried and were a lot closer than you felt comfortable with at the moment. After a moment passed to regain your breath you stood slowly, wash stepped in to try and help but the moment his hands met yours you pushed him away. You felt a wave of several emotions rush over you.


"D-don't touch m-e.." You choked out, pushing the freelancer back. "I can't- you-" You were interrupted as your throat erupted in pain, you coughed at the piercing feeling and stumbled as your body began to feel week again. You lowered yourself to your knees once more as your breathing grew rapid and shallow.

"(N/n)." Zeta called as he appeared in front of you. "(N/n), calm down. Look at me."


"Wash" Zeta interrupted. The freelancer looked over to him In question. "You.. you should go." He said, trying to sound stern. The ai could tell that you were upset even if you couldn't. And he knew why.

Wash protested but the zeta only continued his command. The freelancer looked down to you sadly before sighing, and slowly walking over to the others.

Doc knelt beside you and zeta, he wanted to help, but he knew that he wasn't able to do much. If only he had your medical qualifications.

After a few minutes Zeta managed to calm you down, and with the help of doc you got back up and slowly made your way to the others. The sight of all of them together and okay gave you a little bit of relief, but something still seemed to be weighing you down. You sat down by some rocks and watched as the UNSC arrived and inspected the soldiers. One of them came to inspect you and zeta dealt with them for you.

The reds and blues talked to the soldiers for a while before they were finally dismissed. And you watched as they separated into their respective colors. The blue team seemed to have a new member.. agent Washington.

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