Part 10

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Like North said, you did end up getting used to Zeta fairly quickly. When he isn't being a total spaz, he's actually quite useful, caring and occasionally funny.

Of course. Some ground rules had to be set... you made it clear to your ai that he needs to stay focused when you're in combat instead of talking about literally anything and everything that came to mind.

Speaking of which... after that rule was set you had to explain to him how he couldn't do the same exact thing in the middle of the night when you're trying to sleep. He made the argument that he does need some time to think so you gave him a 'bed time' of midnight. Not too unreasonable.

Other than his constant curiosity about his surroundings and the people around him he's been pretty good. He does have this weird thing where he'll avoid a question by just saying yes even though 'yes' is not an answer, he says he finds it amusing although you kind of hate it. But nonetheless he's easily adjusted to your life style and he's pretty decent at respecting your privacy. Looks like he's not too much work after all.


Your eyes shot open as your sleep was cut short. You stared up and the pitch black ceiling for a second before groaning in annoyance and sitting up. You ran your fingers through your hair with a sigh as you looked at the clock...


You squinted at the ugly numbers. You keep waking up right around this time and you have no idea why.

[(Y/N) are you okay?]

Zeta' voice quietly rang in the back of your mind.

[(Y/n)..? Your breathing and heart rate is elevated.]

You hadn't even realized. You were already used to the feeling so you didn't notice that you were breathing heavily. "I'm fine, Z..." you sighed and dismissed his continued concerns. You sighed and turned, letting your legs fall off the bed and onto the floor before standing up and heading to the door if your room.

[Where are we going??]
Just for a walk...


[Isn't it past the scheduled curfew?]
That's just a suggested curfew... we're allowed to stay up as long as we want, as long as we come back to work of course...
[Where are we walking to?]
Nowhere. I just like to walk. It gives me time to clear out my thoughts...

You walked slowly and quietly through the halls. You ended up making your way to the break room and decided to grab a snack... ok, technically pizza isn't a 'snack' but it's cold so it totally counts.

[I don't think that's-]

"Shh~ don't judge my life choices~!" You laughed and yelled in a whisper as you took a bite and continued on your walk.


Hey Z, wanna see something cool?

You stepped to the side of a hallway and traced the wall with your fingers before coming across a small control panel. You smirked and hit the button causing the wall in front of you to retract revealing a huge window.

It showed the- uhm... well. Space, that surrounded the ship. The enormous array of purples, reds and blues, with sparkles of white threaded in. The environment was always most beautiful at night when the majority of the ship's lights were off.

[Wow, That's a lot of stars..]

You sighed as you leaned on the edge of the window and stared out. You always went here to watch the stars when you couldn't sleep.

"Zeta, don't..." you mumbled as you watched the starts. He was beginning to count each and every one of them.


You smiled weakly and continued to gaze out the window. The soothing colors easily allowed you to close out any unwanted thoughts. You'd stay there forever if you could, it felt like paradise... a momentary escape from reality....

[Are you sad..?]
Hm? What do you mean?
[Your levels, are...-]
I'm fine zeta, don't worry.

You closed your eyes. Your body began to heat up.

[Is this because of what happened to agent Maine..? Do you still feel at fault-]

"I said I'm fine!" You found yourself yelling out loud. Shut your eyes tighter as if to prevent anything from escaping as you slowly backed away from the window. "I think it's time for you to log off..." you whispered, your voice attempting to fail.

[...Goodnight.. (c/n)...]

With the unit now offline you managed to collect yourself and shake off the emotion that came over you.

So maybe there were still a few things you had to work out with Z. He seems to be interested in your emotions and your memories, which you made extremely clear were off limits... but he's in your head, so it's not easy to hide anything from him..

You sighed and walked back to your room, making sure to keep quiet since it was still late. You laid in your bed in and stared blankly into the darkness that surrounded you.

It is my fault... I could've done more, I could've-

You felt a tightness in your chest that stopped your thoughts. The emotional pain cutting you like a knife. But after a few moments you were able to take a few deep breaths and return to a somewhat clear mind.

No more thinking for tonight.. you deserve some rest... right..?

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