Part 13

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"Heads up!"

You hear a familiar voice shout as you find that an apple was thrown to you a little too hard. You barely managed to catch it in time, catching the fruit right in front of your face.

"Wow York.. are you trying to kill me?" You laughed as you walked over to the table and sat down with him, North and Maine.

He smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck, "whoops"

You laughed it off and took a bite of your apple. You always took York's apple at breakfast and apparently it's gotten to the point where he just straight up gives it to you. For some reason you tended to get food from everyone at some point during the day. you looked down at your tray and looked for what to get first.

"So where've you been?" North asked.

"Ah, ya know. Working extra as usual" you shrugged as you poked your eggs with your fork.

"Ah yeah, you and C are workaholics." York said. "But for two completely different reasons" north added.

"Ya know, you and her have a lot in common. Maybe you should go sit over by the girls every once and a while." York suggested as he took a bite of his breakfast.

"What, you guys don't want me here anymore" you asked, pretending to be hurt.

North laughed and grabbed your shoulder, "No, we like you here."

"Yeah! And besides I was just suggesting you socialize more."

You laughed, "Me? Socialize? Where have you been the entire time we've know each other? And besides.. they don't like me."

"Who doesn't like you?" Wash cut in as he walked over to the table with his tray and sat next to you.

"The entire female population?" You answered in a joking tone.

"Aw don't say that~ Wash likes you!" York teased.

"Yeah!... wait-"

You laughed and pushed wash slightly as an extra tease. You and everyone in your friend group had this unspoken rule in the relationship to not take anything anyone says seriously so you can all basically make fun of each other with no harm done. And it was great.

Wash groaned after realizing the joke that was made and then continued, "anyways.. why would you say that the entire female population doesn't like you? I'm sure there's at least a few"

"I doubt it... it's fine anyways. besides, girls are hard to deal with. That's why I'm better off here, with you guys" you smirked before continuing to eat.

Sigma appeared in front of you and leaned forward to speak. "You know, your isolation from the same gender could also be taken negatively from those you separate yourself from. Creating a larger separation."

"Yeah I took that into account" you shrugged. "I'm fine with it."

"It is odd that you see yourself better off without those whom you identify with." Sigma continued, glancing at theta for a moment then back to you, "in my opinion it would be better for those who are similar, to work together and become greater then they were separate"

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