Chapter 30

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How's the unit?
[its still not installed correctly]

"God dang it" You grumbled taking off your helmet to see what you were doing wrong. You were hoping to just install it on the go but it wasn't as easy as it seemed.

Why'd your enhancement have to be so complicated ct..?
[like ours is any better]
Ah-! Got it.
[yep, seems like it's still functional]

"Hey blue!" Sarge called.

"Hm?" You hummed looking up. You had been with the reds following behind Church and Caboose, but it seems that you had fallen behind since you were busy with your armor.

"You're a freelancer, get over here and open this thing!" He called.

"Oh, right" you replied and put on your helmet. You walked over to the rest finding a freelancer console in front of you.

"20 seconds remaining until elimination" filss said.

"Jeez, what did you guys do??" You asked.

"Stupid over here tried to call himself agent pluto" Simmons said, pointing to grif.

You sighed and looked at the console. "Filss, let us in."

"I'm, sorry. This is a secure facility-"

"I have clearance, entity 479-(c/n)"

"I'm sorry, but I do not understand. The files for that entity are restricted. If you are really agent (c/n) you should not be able to reach this facility."

"What? What does that mean?" Simmons asked.

You sighed and shook your head. "Well I'm here, so let me in."

There was a pause before filss acknowledged you before opening the doors. "Would you like me to update your files (c/n), this will document a more accurate sense of your assignments to this facility"

"No, keep them locked" you said and you all walked in.

"What was that about?" Grif asked.

"Looks like they restricted access to my files once I was assigned to bloodgulch" you shrugged.

"Why would they do that?" Simmons asked.

You shrugged and kept walking, looking for where the other blues had gone. "Beats me" you lied. before anything more could be said, a loud clang was hear throughout the facility.

Oh god that can't be good
[i doubt it is]

You all rushed towards the sound finding yourselves at a dead end with Caboose on the opposite side.

"Oh, hey guys" Caboose said.

Simmons looked up, "Caboose? What's that sound?"

"What are you hiding, blue" Sarge added.

"Oh nothing. That was.. that was me. I was saying CLANG"

The banging got louder until the wall behind Caboose began to shake. Caboose was quiet for a moment before walking forwards.

"I think I'll just go over here..." he said as he walked past everyone. "Yes excuse me, pardon me" he said, going around the corner and out of sight.

"Uhm, I'm gonna go check on him" you said and you left the others to deal with whatever was on the other side of that door. You had a bad feeling and you honestly didn't want to find out what was causing it.





The reds yelled as they ran into the training and storage areas. Filss announced on the speakers the upcoming security breach and you had recognized the code. Alpha. But what did that mean?

You soon found out.

"Sheila! We have to help them! We have to stop Tex!" Caboose yelled at the console.

"Stop agent Texas? Oh no. Our job is to observe and document."

"But she'll kill them!"

"Oh that would be wonderful!" Filss said. "What a successful test!"

You snickered to yourself at the remberance of the actual purpose of reds and blues. They were just testing material so of course Filss wouldn't care about them.

Caboose turned to you and yelled. "(L/n) what do we do??" He asked. "You have to do something"

"Me? Why are you asking me all of the sudden?" You asked.

"Because! You are the strong and nice freelancer lady! You have to stop her!" He said.

You stifled a laugh.
Wow what a title
[aw he thinks your nice]
He thinks everyone's nice.
[yeah but he says women are mean]
Oh right.
Damnit, okay let's go stop Tex I guess...

You sighed and shook your head, "I'm going to regret this.." you mumbled. "Okay Caboose I'll see what I can do"

He cheered as you turned around and left the control room.


You walked in and we're shocked —and also amused— by what you were witnessing. Tex had finally gotten to the reds and tucker, and it wasn't pretty.

"Ow, damnit!" Tucker yelled as he was sent flying past you. You looked up noticing that Tex had caught sight of you. You raised your fists and stepped forwards slightly. You didn't want to fight her, but if she attacked then you'd have to do the same.

After a moment Tex ran towards you quicker than you expected, she threw a few punches but you still managed to duck out of the way and land a hit in her side. The hits you inflicted didn't seem to affect her much as she quickly turned back and and took another swing at you. You quickly dodged it, only for her to plant her foot in your side and send you a few feet away.

[on it]

Your holographic projection switched on as you picked yourself back up. Tex grunted in frustration before running at the hologram, and quickly turning to face the real you. She went in for a kick but you caught her foot and threw it upwards. She followed the motion and ended up back on her feet before rushing at you again. You stuck your foot out, planting it into her abdomen to stop her before your other enhancement sent you directly behind her. You seized the opportunity to kick her back, finally knocking her away. She huffed and got back up, but suddenly stopped.

Her armor was encased in white energy. Before the announcement even came over the speakers you knew what was happening. Filss was putting everyone under armor lock.

Well, crap..

Red Vs Blue x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें