Part 9

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Right after break was team training simulations. All of the elite team was gathered and split between two sections. Today was a nice and easy game of capture the flag... ok maybe it was a little harder... each person is equipped with simulation paint, the kind everyone hated, and one person is assigned to keep the flag at all times. The rest are either defending or attacking. The opposite teams will have no idea who has the flag and the first team to capture wins.


Ok zeta time to see how helpful you are
[Scanning area for enemies. You're safe forward...]
Thanks Z.

You headed forward and around the corner. [Behind you.] You spun around and saw who it was shooting and paralyzing them. "Sorry York" you apologized even though he was on the other team. That paint did hurt.


Oh by the way... you had the flag. It started getting hard to concentrate on everything once Zeta started getting into his questions. 'What's this' 'what's that' 'how's this feel?' Countless words ran through your mind and scattered your thoughts as you struggled to stay in the game. A good 60% of what he was saying was useful but the rest was him analyzing different levels in your systems and trying to decipher which physical traits they were expressing, or he would constantly ask who someone was or what they were like which was completely irrelevant. It was making you anxious and sloppy.


"Crap! Agh!" You yelled as you were finally shot down by none other than Carolina. Great.

"Round over" filss called over the speaker. The paint continued to dissolve and the second you could move you sprang up and started towards the door.

"Hey what's going on?" Wash asked as he stopped you with a concerned tone. "Just give me a minute" you said coldly as you pushed him out of the way and continued out the door.

"What her problem?" South asked.

The second the door shut behind you you took off your helmet and dropped it before pacing back and forth. Your breathing was rapid and shallow. Zeta continued to go on and on questioning you and your actions.

"Ok shut up for a second!" You stopped and yelled even though he was in your head. He appeared in front of you and tilted his head. "Wha-"

"I can't handle the constant babbling and questioning and talking with you while I'm trying to think!" You said very quickly as you brushed you hands through your hair, "you're seriously stressing me out"

He flickered as he looked down to his feet sadly, "oh *flicker* sorry.."

"Ugh, don't take it personally ok? Just.. try and save your thoughts for then I'm not busy instead of overlapping? I promise I'll answer all the questions you want when we're not in the middle of something. Ok?"

He nodded excitedly before disappearing again.

"Hey, you alright? Thy was kinda sudden you leaving all worked up like that" north asked walking into the hall.

Was I worked up?
[Your stress levels were elevated.]

"Yeah" you sighed, "I'm still adjusting to this ai... sorry I threw the match..."

"Hey it's alright, no biggy" he said as he placed his hand on your shoulder. You laughed quietly making him confused and you had to explain that zeta was analyzing the affect of physical contact between humans and emotional barriers. North looked slightly confused and just nodded and let out a relaxed sigh.

"Don't worry. I'm sure you'll get used to it in no time..."

Had no idea where to end this so sorry it's short

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