Part 18

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4 months ago...

Times at project Freelancer had gotten pretty dull. Missions were slow and there wasn't much competition between you and the others lately.. not that you were complaining.

The thing that was bothering you was you weren't getting many extra jobs lately.. you had too much time without them and the boredom was killing you.

So there you were.. at the computers. You were going through your old files cleaning up your digital space because there was nothing else to do.. but it didn't take long and you found yourself looking through the project records as a way of... studying. Or at least that's what it started out as.

Throughout the files you could see trends in data files. Abnormalities that looked like they were covered up. Things that just didn't seem right.. and curiosity was always something you possessed.

So what did you do? You looked into it of course. You knew you shouldn't have been sticking your nose is places it didn't belong but your mind craved information. You found yourself looking into records that were marked with high clearance.. higher then the ones you were permitted..

The files showed something.. interesting. Lots of missing persons reports that had been covered up, regulating protocols that you had never even heard of but were pretty sure weren't being followed...

Project Freelancer was hiding something... but what..?

While reading a file the computer kicked you out and shut itself down... which is never a good sign, especially when you're doing something you weren't supposed to. But surprisingly you were never confronted. Never punished for anything.

Present Day

This was your punishment...

You sat in silence against the rocks at the canyon wall. You had lost yourself in thought. Too many negative things running through your mind.

You sat on your cliff with your useless laptop contemplating your existence. You had been there for hours now. Just sitting and taking in your situation.

Your head hurt, your body ached. You couldn't accept the fact that you had been dropped from the project.

You didn't even get to say goodbye. Would your friends even remember you if you saw them again one day? They wouldn't.. you'll spend the rest of your life here. Forgotten..

Surround by people you don't know well.. People you don't care about. People who won't care about you either... Jesus, it's like childhood all over again.


Once it was late enough at night you decided to head back to base hoping everyone would be asleep, and to your surprise they seemed like they were.

You paced around the main room for a while before deciding to grab a snack to take to your room with you.

"Oh hey, you're back." A familiar and unwanted voice filled your ears. You decided to ignore him and look through the food hoping he would leave sooner or later.

Please go away

He sighed at the lack of a response, "hey, I'm sorry about earlier" he said quickly which made it sound like a forced apology. "I didn't expect you to get that upset over something so little"

You sighed and lowered your head in defeat. He wasn't going to leave you was he?

"You're not the best at talking to people... you know that?" You asked tiredly.

"What?! No way, im the best!" He countered and stood up tall to make himself seem like he was better than he actually was.

You lifted your gaze to him and gave him a 'are you kidding me' kind of look which made him give up the act pretty quickly.

"Ok, maybe it's partially my fault, but i still think you over reacted"

"Maybe..."you sighed and just agreed with him in hopes to cut the conversation short. It seemed to have worked because now you both were just standing in silence.


Ugh don't talk to me... "what?" You said flatly.

He looked like he was going to say something but stopped himself before sighing, "goodnight..."

"Night" you sighed before turning away from him. You could hear footsteps indicating that he had left and sighed in relief. However it wasn't long until you decided to head to your room as well.


[Today's been.. a new experience.]
[It seems like you're tolerating them more than usual]
Yeah well I don't have a choice do I..?

You laid in bed and stared up at the ceiling, a heavy feeling in your chest.

What do you think the guys are doing right now..?
[which ones?]
My guys..
Wow how creative.

You sighed and closed you eyes.

I feel like York is with Carolina as usual.. North is somewhere watching theta be adorable-
[he is pretty cute]
Yeah he's way better than you
[wait hold on, excuse you]

Wash is trying to be cool but he'll never break the fact that he's a dork.
Wyoming and Maine are probably together, and-

You had to stop yourself. For some reason just thinking about them going along their lives happily only made the pain in your chest worse. You took deep breaths to try and regain your composure.

And I'm stuck here...

[You have people you just don't like them yet]
Thanks that's really helpful
[I said yet]

You exhaled and let yourself relax. Maybe these people could be decent if you tried to get along with them? Who knows, it's hard to even talk to them without the feeling that your brain cells are dying.

I hate it here.
[c'mon. It's not too bad]
I still hate it here.
[I feel like that's not going to remain constant]
Shut up and go to sleep
[logging off.]

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