Part 24

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You cupped you hands over where your mouth would be if you weren't wearing a helmet.

Zeta why didn't you tell me?!
[i thought I'd ruin the moment?]
Well what do I do?!
Oh my god I hate you.
[well I don't know what to do, I'm surprised myself!]
Wait. Do you think he remembers me? It's been forever
[of course he would!]

"Uhm." He chimed in a little confused by the way you were acting,

"Wash.." you mumbled still in shock.

He tilted his head, "what did you say?"

You sighed and quickly regained your composure. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Uhm.. do I, know you..?" He asked. You were really starting to confuse him.

"Oh, no. It's not like we were best friends and hung out all the time back at Freelancer or anything..." you said sarcastically.

He leaned forward a little as if to see you better. You waited in silence to see if he had gotten the picture yet.

"...(C/n)? Is that- you..?"

"Ding ding ding. Took ya long enough"

"Wait.. but- what?!"

You laughed at his confusion, "oh god I didn't mean to break your mind with my existence"

"No, but how're you.."

"Jesus Christ finish a sentence, wash"

"Where have you been??"

You stifled a laugh, " unless you've got time to listen to 6 years worth of bull right now I suggest we take a rain check on that explanation-"

"Ehem!" Church called from from his place on the wall. You and the other two soldiers looked up to him.

"Care to explain WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!" He yelled.

"Wow, jeez. Calm down idiot" you replied.

"Church! This is! Agent Washingtub!" Caboose yelled.

"Washington." Wash corrected.

"Caboose what the heck?! Why would you bring a freelancer here?!"

"I'm here too" you coughed.

"Oh shut up (l/n) you don't count"

"Psh, of course I count! Now c'mon and open the gate" you demanded.

"Ha, no can do. You see, this is a secure facility. Nobody in nobody out"

"Well I guess you failed to remember that I run this secure facility and as soon as I get in through the gaping hole in our wall, I can kick your ass out"

He shot a glare at you "fine. I'll open the stupid gate" he walked away from the edge to the gate controls.

"You two seem to get along" wash said sarcastically as he followed you to the gate.


After getting inside and letting church rage for a bit wash got a call on his radio.

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