Chapter 33(edited)

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A/n: just remembered some plot crap that would make some holes if I didn't fix them so oops....

"(N/n)" zeta called, breaking you away from the exhausted daze you were in. "The ship landed, it looks like we're at some old training bases.." He explained. The reds and blues managed to steal a few unsc ships, and it looked like most of them were already getting settled back in to their usual routines. You took in a breath and held it for a bit, before managing to pull yourself up and exit the ship. You quickly noticed that wash followed behind you, he must've waited for you to get out before going inside.

You felt your body grow heavier as you walked along the halls of the new base. It seemed to be the same as the one at Valhalla, So there was no need for you to have a look around.
A familiar feeling of stress and unprocessed emotion came over you once more, the effects of what happened at sidewinder still latching onto you. You dragged your hand along the wall for support before stumbling into your room, and locking the door behind you. You fell to your hands and knees once inside and closed your eyes. You felt your chest rise and fall rapidly and noticed how hard it had become to breathe again.


You tore off your helmet and ran your hands through your hair as you tried to calm down. You didn't know what was happening to you. And you didn't know why.

[calm down]

"I- they-" You stuttered, your thoughts all mixed up in your mind. You felt like you weren't in control of your body any longer. All the stress and confusion, the emotions and pain you had been holding in, everything seemed to be exploding inside of you, and you couldn't stop it.

And the others..
And w-wash.. he- how could he-?
[(y/n), slow down. You're going to hurt yourself]

You took a few deep breaths to try and calm yourself but it didn't seem to work. Zeta called out to you again. There wasn't much he could do except be there for you. He could see everything you were experiencing. Memories raced through your mind, the reds and blues, reuniting with wash again, hearing about his betrayal, seeing the broken pieces of Maine, the glimpse of him being dragged off the cliff... your thoughts began to transition to the freelancers and you couldn't decide what you felt with all the emotions and thoughts inside of you. Anger, sadness, joy, fear? You couldn't handle whatever was happening to you at the moment.

You could feel the weight of your emotions combine with your injuries and you laid yourself down on the floor. You looked up to the ceiling with a sigh, trying to catch your breath.

"(N/n)..?" A voice called from the other side of the door, cutting through your thoughts. It was wash.
Your eyes traveled to the door, but you didn't bother getting it. You could barely move anyways. You sighed and closed your eyes, trying to focus on your breathing, and trying to get these horrible feelings out of your head.


Your eyes opened slowly, they were heavy and your sight took a while to focus when they opened. You took a larger breath as you awoke; you had fallen asleep, a lucky escape from whatever kind of panic attack you seemed to have had. But that sense of anxiety was only replaced with a pain in your head, and a weight on your shoulders. You sat up slowly and looked around. Your armor was off, several areas on your body were wrapped in bandages.

[Doc came in and patched you up a bit]
[if you were wondering..]
Why did he even come in here..??
[i asked him to...]

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