Part 15

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Everything about this mission was explained vaguely. So you neither of you had an exact grasp on what you actually needed to do but you had a good guess. You also guessed this mission might take a while. Maybe a month if things get rough, so no wonder this was called a special circumstance.

Basically you were to create an environment where the an ai can live in secret thinking it's a human. You'd have to find a place for it and ensure it had a reason to stay, and what better reason then a good old fashion fight?

The plan was to create two teams of people, one of them being the ai, who were told they would be fighting a war against the others in their area. This way nobody will leave until somebody won. The only problem was you had to make both teams equal so that there would never be a winner...

You were given one week preparation for your 'scouting' mission. Florida took all the personnel setups and you handled the environmental ones.

You mainly just worked on making an ai to act as 'command' for the people you would be placing here. Other than that you set up scheduled supply drops and made sure each side had the same amount of almost everything to begin with.


"Ok, all done here." Florida said in a happy tone.

"Got everyone picked out?"

"Yessiree, it's going to be Four to Three with our team having more but the other side will be scheduled to get some backup not too long after we're all there" he replied. "How's the area?"

"It's a boring desert canyon" you said flatly. There's really nothing to explain about it. An empty canon is all it was and all it would ever be.

Florida smiled and held up his hand for a high five, "perfect!"

You returned the high five and smiled back, "I think this is gonna work out."

"Are we all prepared for the launch of project alpha?" The counselor asked.

"Yes sir~!" Florida answered.

"Well then go ahead, the pelican is waiting in the main hangar." He instructed.

"Wait- right now? We can't wait till the others get back tomorrow?" You asked, your voice had a hint of concern.

"Is there a problem?"

"N-no. I just wanted to be able to say bye that's all..." you sighed.

"We will send them your regards upon their arrival."

You sighed and nodded ok. You really didn't want to go yet but orders are orders...

You and Florida boarded the pelican after a quick check to make sure everything was in place. All was set for project alpha.

~time skip~

[this ride is really long]
Yeah, it's really far away for some reason...
Something doesn't feel right.

You sighed and looked up from the floor of the pelican, "something's not right."

The dark blue Freelancer looked up to you, "what's the problem?"

"I mean- this whole thing seems sketchy to me. They told us we were aiding an experiment but I feel like they're hiding something"

"Like what?"

You sighed and let your head fall into you hands, "I don't know... I just.. I feel bad about this.. I don't know why. Something about the huge rush to get things done and the not seeing anyone before we left... something doesn't feel right.."

The soldier stood and walked to your side of the pelican. He took a seat next to you and leaned down to be at the same level, "just trust them. The Director has given everything to us. I think you're just a little stressed out." He said.

You sighed as lifted your head once more, "maybe..."

You two stayed in the pelican for quite a bit more before finally making it to your destination, where you made some final adjustments before preparing to start the project.

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