Chapter 31

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After quite some time in armor lock you and the others were finally released, only for Tex to beat the crap out of tucker for some joke he made. And after some bickering, and a bit of drama, Tex came up with the splendid idea of leaving for some old freelancer temple. You didn't like the vibe she gave when she told everyone and quite frankly, you wanted nothing to do with that place anyways. You decided to sit this one out and stay with the others while Tex went ahead with church leeching onto her as always.


"Hey Simmons, you should double my pay since you're at the computers" you called from across the room. He and grif were reading into the files while Sarge barked orders at them to restore blues into the data base.

"Do you even get pay? I thought freelancer got destroyed or something" Simmons asked.

You shrugged and lowered your head, "I can dream can't I..?"

"Hmm.." grif cut in.

"What is it?" Sarge asked.

"This thing here says there's a lot of other red and blue bases." Grif said as he read the screen. "And if I'm reading this right, a lot of the listed missions seem... familiar..."

"Lemme see" Simmons commanded as he pushed grif out of the way. "According to this the reds and blues are put on missions and then a freelancer gets sent it for-.... training, purposes..."
The reds slowly turned their gaze towards you. You shook awkwardly hoping they'd leave you alone even after reading all that.

"Well Sarge" griff huffed, "I always said command was full of- Sarge?" He called, but the red soldier had already left.


Sarge spent almost an hour moping around the storage facility while the other reds and blues did whatever they pleased. You sighed and sat in the new "blue base" which was basically just a couch, but hey, today was eventful, you deserved a break.

"Sargent!" Caboose yelled as he ran into the room. The rainbow of soldiers looked at him to see what was going on. "Sargent! Church is hurt, they must've gotten to him and tex!"

"Gotten tex? Good. Now that means she won't be able to pummel our faces in." Grif said.

"What? No we have to save them!"

"Save them?" Grif argued, "screw that, we never asked them to leave, they made their choice.

Caboose turned back to Sarge with a worried expression. "Sargent please. They'll die!"

Simmons spoke, "Caboose I don't know if that's a good argument-"

"I'll go" Sarge interrupted, earning several confused looks. He explained to everyone the value in having each other, and deep down how everyone wanted to be here for some reason. After a few minutes, the other soldiers sighed and decided to join him and Caboose. You had no other choice but to join them, no matter how much you thought you hated the reds and blues.. you could've just killed them. You could've done something. But you didn't.

"I'll get my keys..." grif groaned.

"I don't think a Jeep will get us there fast enough." Simmons said, "but I think I know what will."

He lead the way to a pelican sitting in the hangar. It seemed like the only option and it wasn't that bad, except that the only one who could fly it was grif. You all boarded the pelican and got strapped in as he went to the cockpit. You hoped to god that he wouldn't end up killing you all.


"Brace for impact!"

"Oh this is gonna suck!"

You mentally sighed and you prepared yourself for the "landing' that was about to take place.
I knew this wasn't going to be good.

The pelican crashed into the ground, skidding across the land and sending snow high into the air. The soldiers inside, including you, were all thrusted towards the front of the ship, hitting almost everything as the pelican skidded to a stop.

[well crap]
What's wrong
[the crash was hell on your armor...]
[you'll have to fix it later]
Oh great

You groaned and you pulled yourself from the wreckage. The others quickly followed in a hurry to get out of the destroyed ship. The sound of arguing quickly filled your ears as you recovered. You looked over to see that church and Wash were yelling at each other about something. You made their way over to them before realizing the capture unit on the ground. They must've gotten tex before you arrived.

Wash continued to argue with church about the unit before catching sight of you approaching. "(C/n)??"

"What the hell happened??" You ignored wash's question and asked, looking more at church than at wash.

"Tex is in there, they trapped her." Church said quickly. "We need to get her out"

"Epsilon, she's stuck there's nothing you can do." Wash cut in.

You audibly sighed as you sent wash a glare. Yet another bad thing you've heard about him. "I'll see what I can do to keep it running while you two girls finish your bickering" you said as you brushed past them both.

"(N/n) be careful with that thing, it's already losing stability" wash warned.

You waived your hand dismissively and knelt down next to the unit, "do you know who you're talking to? I know how to work with these things" you replied. Zeta appeared next to you to assist in holding the unit.

Oh god this really isn't going to stay operational long.
[transferring unessential power to the unit]
Run a diagnostics
[its received severe damage. The only thing we can really do is supply it power-
Oh. My. God.

The snow in front of you shifted and slowly a figure began to emerge. The meta. You stumbled back, wide eyed as the man looked down at you.

"Oh, no" wash said from behind you

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