Part 3

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The time had come. It was bright and early and you and Maine boarded the pelican to sidewinder, your mission's destination. It was a simple infiltration mission to access some stolen data and any other useful information that could be found. The flight would be long, you planned on being there around noon. For now, you just hung out with Maine and prepared for the mission.


You sighed as you stood up for a moment to stretch your legs. You hated long flights. You walked up to the cockpit and opened the door stepping inside, "How we doing?" You asked the pilot as you glanced at the controls. "Not too much longer, we're making our LZ pretty early" he replied. "Good" you said as you left the cockpit. Is that guy new? He seems like it...
You walked over and woke up Maine. "No sleeping on the job" you joked as you picked up his gun and poked him with the back of it. He groaned and took it from you before sitting up, "It's too early..." he whined in his deep voice. You rolled your eyes as you put on your helmet, "I had a look at the map and we're almost there. It'll be nice if you were awake while in the middle of a fire fight" you joked and you adjusted your armor and weapons. You heard beeping coming from the cockpit. Maine sat up and looked over to the door as you rushed in to see what's going on, "Everything ok in here?" You asked worriedly as lights were flashing on the control panel. The pilot hesitated, "yeah uh.. I-"


The pelican was struck with something, engulfing the front half in flames and knocking the payload door open. You saw as the flames surged around you for a split second, then nothing.


Maine awoke and found himself strapped into the seat of the burning pelican. The flames and heat choking him as he escaped from his restraint. He stumbled as he exited the burning rubble that used to be his ride. He took a few breaths before realizing... you were missing. He searched for you looking everywhere until he saw something that troubled him.

Laying in the snow, was your lifeless body. Your (armor color) armor stained with blood. He rushed over to you as fast as he could and knelt down in front of you checking your vitals with his bioscan. What he saw wasn't promising. He sighed and slammed his fist into the snow next to your head and stood. He looked down to you and sighed once more before beginning to walk away.

You awoke with a shock as you inhaled and immediately felt a sharp pain in your side causing you to cough. Your vision too blurred to see. Your ears were ringing loudly. Your armor bloody and cold. It took a minute for you to realize that Main's tall figure had been standing in front of you. Your vision finally focused and you saw that his hand was outstretched for you. You took it and he pulled you to your feet. "You ok?" You asked as you looked him up and down noticing that his armor was also stained with blood. He nodded and you placed you hand on his shoulder, "good" you looked past him to the pile of burning twisted metal that used to be your pelican. "Well shit..." you sighed.


After braving the burning ship for supplies and communication possibilities you wound up with very few answers. You had about a days worth of food saved up and the coms are fried. You and Maine made a plan to head to the base using the map uploaded in your visors radio from there. The pelican would have sent off a distress beacon the second it was in danger but better be safe than sorry. You both headed in the way on the base knee deep in snow. Which by the way, sucks, to walk in. You both exchanged complaints as you walked to the base.


After 2hours of walking you two finally got to the base and manages to clear it out fairly quickly. You did your job and grabbed every file on the computer before having a seat by a wall and sighing. The full extent of your wounds wasn't apparent until now. Your side felt as if a knife was stuck between your ribs and you had a gash on your head. Your joints were bloody from being thrown out of the pelican as well. Luckily, Maine only sustained a few cuts and bruises from the crash.

He walked through the halls of the base looking around for anything useful but there was almost nothing. No food, minimal first aid, not to mention that something must've been wrong with the heater because their base was freezing. The must've been due for a supply drop, but with the weather so bad here maybe it didn't come.

Remembering something, you pried yourself from the ground and over to their main computer system, turning on the coms. You fiddled with a few settings for a moment to calibrate the coms to be set for the M.I.s broadcasting frequencies. You sent out a message explaining that you were shot down, carried out your mission and required an extraction asap. A few moments later you received a transmission verifying the situation and notifying your of your evac.

You sighed in relief as you headed over to your spot by the wall and sat back down. The pain from your wounds was slowly making itself apparent and you tried your best to ignore it. Maine saw you and tilted his head with a sense of worry. "I'm fine Maine" you dismissed him as he sighed and sat next to you on the floor. He watched as you slowly calmed and fell asleep before he decided to do the same.


Extraction came the next morning and you two rode the horribly long trip back to the Mother of Invention. The medical staff immediately took both of you in and examined you. Maine wasn't too bad but you suffered some injuries from being thrown out of the pelican. Bruised ribs, several cuts and a few burns from the explosion. Nothing too bad, you both were fine after about a week.

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